Discover a new trick of the masterpiece game "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"

It was released as a game for NINTENDO 64 in 1998, and it was not only the 3D Zelda series but also the subsequent 3D action game that had a great influence on "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"is. Many gamers such as battle with high actionality on vast maps, mysterious elements studded on the map, and epoch-making system advancing scenarios with both adults and children by passing beyond time Although it is a masterpiece game that was released, about 201 years after the release of about 19 years, a new trickery was found "to be able to equip every item even for adults and children".

OoT - Equip Any Item as Any Age (Unrestricted Equipping) - YouTube

Speaking of "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time", we adopted a revolutionary system that allows you to navigate between adult links and child links by pulling out or inserting the master sword, the key item of the game It is. In this "adult link" and "child link", the items that can be equipped are different, and "You can not proceed from here unless you use hook shots even though you have become a child link so much ..." There are not a few things that I think that "If you can use that item here ...", you will need items that can not be equipped with a child link or vice versa.

Exodus 122, a YouTube user, found a trick that can be used at such time. The method is very easy, I will bring the cursor to the item I want to equip. In the following cases, we are hitting a yellow cursor on 'Deck's Stick' which can not be equipped with adult links. In addition, the deck's stick can not be equipped with an adult link, so the display is grayed out.

Then press the R button to open the map screen once ... ....

Press the Z button to return to the item screen.

When returning from the map screen to the item screen,Specific one frameTilt the joystick to the left and press the C button ......

The stick of the deck that should not be equipped is added to the equipment.

On the actual game screen, I can not see the situation with a bug with a deck stick, but the link holds a deck stick surely.

Subsequently, we will also challenge children links.

Equipped with a megaton hammer dedicated to adult links.

From the map screen ......

Enter a command while moving to the item screen.

Then I could equip megaton hammer as well.

Megaton hammer will also become transparent, so it can not be confirmed visually, but you can see from the link action and SE certainly equipped megaton hammer.

When this trick is done with NINTENDO 64, it seems that the adult link will crash only when using a stick of Deku. However, if it is done with virtual console etc., it is possible to use items which are not visible. Also, if you use the same method,The Legend of Zelda Mask of MujulaIt is possible to equip the item "Zora no egg" that appears in "

In addition, in the comment field of the animation "We can finally clear the temple of fire with the child link as it is?" Or "Although this game is being played by so many people, this back technique has not been found yet I am surprised that it is "It's the most wonderful trick we have ever found!"Wrong WarpEver since the discovery! A lot of comments on praise such as "I have been praised.

Also, new tricks are online bulletin boardredditThe topic has become topic, and among the players of "Speedrun" competing for how quickly you can clear the game, the test is going to be used at speed run.

The following movies are performing a speed run at "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time"Zfg 1It seems that I tried using the trick technique, I failed the first few times, but I succeeded in equipping a deck stick with an adult link. It is impressive that the other Twitch users are amazed at the comment section as "Omiger!" At the moment of successful equipment.

Equip any item on C-Stick as Adult or Child (Equip Anyitem Anytime?)

in Video,   Game, Posted by logu_ii