Electric toothbrush "Amabrush" like a dream that can brush your teeth in just 10 seconds at a stretch appears

I can not keep my teeth clean if I brush my teeth, but I need time to polish firmly one by one, but I also have trouble allocating time while being prepared to go out in the morning. It is the mouthpiece type toothbrush "Amabrush"is. Automatically polish all the teeth just by gripping in your mouth, tooth brushing takes only 10 seconds.

Amabrush - World's First Automatic Toothbrush by Amabrush - Kickstarter

You can understand what happens when you use Amabrush by seeing the following movie.

A woman is making preparations in the morning.

Amabrush is located on the sink.

Set the mouthpiece type Amabrush in your mouth ...

Push the ball type device "Handpiece" button

Since the handpiece vibrates, the mouthpiece type toothbrush automatically polishes all teeth without gossiping by hand.

To prepare both hands, you can polish other preparations.

After 10 seconds, remove the Amabrush from the mouth ... ...

White teeth are stingy.

Remove the handpiece from the mouthpiece and place it on a dedicated tray to complete the toothbrush.

Since the mouthpiece and handpiece can be easily attached and detached with a magnet, it is also possible for everyone to share it if you prepare mouthpieces as many as your partner and family.

Just wash the mouthpiece with water firmly after use.

The mouthpiece part is made of antimicrobial silicon which prevents 99.99% bacterial adhesion. It is designed based on the "bus method" of a dentist based tooth brushing method that applies a brush so that it is at a 45 degree angle to a tooth, saving time every day tooth brushing. We are also getting cooperation from dentists and dental universities in designing.

The vibrating handpiece is also a nice place to be waterproof.

You can brush your teeth securely in just 10 seconds, even if the back is replaced ......

If you wait 10 seconds, the order will come around, so you should not become a fight.

The hardness of the antimicrobial silicone used for the mouthpiece seems to be equivalent to "soft" if the hardness of the toothbrush is expressed. It also has a "vibration channel" that allows toothpaste to spread throughout the teeth. Estimated exchange of mouthpiece is once every 3 to 6 months.

The clear part of the handpiece is a dedicated "toothpaste capsule", and it is sent out automatically to the mouthpiece at toothbrushing. Since the handpiece is compatible with the wireless charging standard "Qi", it can be charged simply by placing it on the charging station. Even if you carry it, you can use it for about one month if you charge it to full tan.

One "toothpaste capsule" has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for about one month. The cost per one (month) is about 3 euros (about 380 yen).

In addition, Amabrush is looking for investment for commercialization at Kickstarter of Cloud Funding. About 150 thousand euros (about 20 million yen) or more, which is three times the target investment amount at the time of article creation, has gathered. The content of the investment plan and products that can be obtained is as follows.

· 69 euro (about 8800 yen):Handpiece, mouthpiece, toothpaste capsule, ordinary charger (up to 1 set, 500 first arrival in December)
· 99 euros (about 12,000 yen):Handpiece, mouthpiece, toothpaste capsule × 3, wireless charging station (5000 first-come, arrival in December)
· 114 euros (about 14,600 yen):Hand piece, mouthpiece × 2, toothpaste capsule × 6, wireless charging station (arrived in December)
· 129 euro (about 16,500 yen):Handpiece, mouthpiece, toothpaste capsule × 3, wireless charging station (first-arrival 100, feedback feedback pilot program, arrival in October)

Separately to ship to Japan, 20 euros (about 2600 yen) is required. The deadline of investment is 21 o'clock on Saturday, August 5, 2017.

Amabrush - World's First Automatic Toothbrush by Amabrush - Kickstarter

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log