Ken Chung of movie "Hangover" answers questions as a doctor

movies"A hangover"Leslie Chow is played as a culprit of the trouble caused by"Ken ChungIs a Korean-American with a title of comedian and doctor besides actor. Mr. Ken answers medical questions "DocSupport_KJAlthough I have a Twitter account called "Twitter account", a movie that responds to questions with a unique character full opening while actually reading the question sent by Twitter is released.

Ken Jeong Answers Medical Questions From Twitter | WIRED - YouTube

"How do you know if I am a gastroenteritis hangover?"

"Honey had drunk drinking last night ...?" The answer is "Did you eat rice or alcohol?"

"The Internet is not your stupid mother! Let's think well before you tweet"

"How much vitamin C is taken too much?"

"That is a good question. There are various supplements and I will not know which one to take, but certainly taking too much vitamin,Hyper vitaminSometimes it causes gastrointestinal symptoms from. In other words, it is adequate to take a recommended amount firmly. I have not been told to choose favorite questions, but it was a great question. "

"I have a strange thing under my eyes, and I get pain when I try to take it."

"It can be done anywhere in the body, not only in the eyes, but if you do not investigate in the hospital it may not be okay to take it in. It should not be painful even if you take it in a hospital. I strongly recommend you to take it. "

"Let's solve the problem that patellar tendon reflex test is not necessary in a hospital." That is useless, is not it? "

"No, nothing like this, you can check if there is any abnormality in your nervous system reflex in this test.HypothyroidismIt also knows whether it depends on. Did you know how important it is? A fool. From now on do not uncheck the hospital. "

"How do you examine a pulse?"

"Let's examine the wrist, neck, thighs"

"Babies can understand such a thing! You do not have the qualification to ask questions on Twitter!" Furthermore, "Shut up !! ... Sorry, I apologize to the human model" I seem to have been disturbed a bit with my friend Lewis.

"Do you really need two kidneys?"

"You've heard of kidney transplantation? Strictly speaking, if you have a normal functioning kidney, human beings can live even if only one is a good question."

"Why do my feet twitch every day? I can not sleep."

"Let the doctor diagnose whether it is a neurological problem or an endocrinologic cause"

"Anatomy: State three parts of the brainstem" Tomorrow is a test, you get rewards if you answer this question correctly. "

It seems that it was not a specialty field, Ken who confirms the correct answer with smartphone.

"Medulla, brain bridge, midbrain. # Where my reward is not # cheating"

"I believe that the medulla will control breathing, I am believing, brain bridge ... ..." while watching something.

"I answered everything without seeing anything, it would be a wise man," but I felt like I was being spoken to by a human model, "I'm busy with a movie about a hangover! Funny excuse" doing.

"Can I drink alcohol while drinking erythromycin antibiotics?"

"Because erythromycin places a heavy burden on the stomach and the liver, let's ask the doctor how much to drink if you say absolutely, in general, you should refrain from drinking while drinking antibiotics"

"Help me! I want to stop hiccup within 5 minutes!"

"Gua aaaaaa !!"

"I want to burp out but why are not you going out?

"I do not know, I am not your diaphragm."

"My kidneys are sore. Is not it OK if I drink too much water?"

"Drinking too much water can cause such symptoms, let us investigate the sodium level, so as not to drink too much water."

in Science,   Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log