Skype Lite appeared lightweight version application that makes calls stable even in unstable communication environment to Skype

Skype of Microsoft's subsidiary is a lightweight version of Android application that works even under 2G environment "Skype LiteWe released in India. With a population of 1,250 million people, India is attracting attention from IT companies as a potential huge market.

Skype Lite

Skype Lite - Android application on Google Play

Skype Lite App | Microsoft Future Decoded Stories

Skype Lite, which customized the traditional voice call application "Skype" for the Indian market, can be downloaded with just 13 MB and is designed to be used stably even on 2 G lines and unstable communication environments. Skype Lite consumes less battery power, works smoothly on older Android devices, and can switch to "data saving mode" with video calls. It also has a function to display the amount of data to be used in a one-tap manner, and a function to use SMS within Skype Lite.

In addition, Skype Lite plans to integrate "India's national ID number" Aadhaar "by June 2017, and will be able to use it as official identity proof in addition to calling / mailing. We also support seven local languages: Gujarati, Bengali, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu.

In 2016 Google will become a lightweight version of the YouTube application "YouTube Go"For the Indian market, Apple also released"IPhone for IndiaIt is reported that it will develop. India in China's largest population is attracting attention as a potential huge market.

in Mobile,   Software, Posted by darkhorse_log