Amazon's voice assistant 'Amazon Echo' recorded murder site voice?

ByAbdul Rahman

The biggest hit item in Amazon hardware history is the speaker type voice assistant terminal "Amazon Echo". What is amazing about this device, just talk to meYou can create shopping list, schedule management, music playback, search etcThis is a function of cloud-based speech recognition service "AlexaIt is due to. The fact that Alexa says "It may have recorded the sound of the murder scene", data delivery is required.

Amazon refusing to hand over data on whether Alexa overheard a murder | Ars Technica

Amazon is asked to submit Alexa's recording data on the murder case that occurred in Bentonville, Arkansas, USA. The name of the victim is Victor Collins, who has been found dead in his bath tub at home by James Andrew Bates, a friend.

Although Bates argues that it is accidental drowning, the police side is investigating as a murder case, and Amazon Echo which was placed near the bathroom holds the definitive proof at the time of the incident Because of that, Bentonville Police has asked Alexa to provide data that was recorded at the time of the incident. However, Amazon insists that data recorded by Alexa is protected by "separation of religion and religion" in the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, and refuses to hand over the data.

ByDavid Locke

Bentonville Police are calling for the delivery of a total of 48 hours of "recording data and texts on other communications and transactions" on November 21 and 22, 2015, but Amazon requests that handover of recorded data be voluntary Although it was thing of, it claims to suppress suppression of freedom of speech. In addition, Amazon says that police need to show "minimum relevance and necessity of recorded data". In addition, even if the delivery of data is ordered by the court, the judge first checks its contents and prove that there is a relationship between the data and the defendant.

Amazon seems to have told the court that "Amazon Echo has seven microphones using beamforming technology so that you can pick up sounds from anywhere in the room even when you play music", so you can record some sound at the time of the incident It seems that there is no doubt that it is. However, since Alexa is a terminal that sends recorded data to the cloud and responds to user's request, voice data will never be stored on the main body.


"Although it seems that Bates has owned the Nexus series smartphone, it is impossible to access internal data because it is encrypted at the chipset level," Amazon says.

· 2017/03/08 12:55 Addendum
Amazon rejected the delivery of data recorded by Alexa as contrary to the privacy of the user, but ultimately "agreed to hand over the data" saidBBCIt reports.

Amazon hands over Echo 'murder' data - BBC News

in Hardware, Posted by logu_ii