Researchers' prediction that succeed in restoring mammoth within the next two years

ByFireHawk Hulin

Genetic editing technology "CRISPR"Professor George Church of Harvard University, who was involved in the project, said about the resurrection of Mammoth "Although it is not yet, it will be possible within two years," said the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)Annual meetingI understood what he said.

Woolly mammoth on verge of resurrection, scientists reveal | Science | The Guardian

Mammoth here is not a gene with 100% mammoth genotype, but a hybrid type of living thing called "mamophant". The project aiming to produce embryos of elephant and mammoth hybrids began in 2015. Professor Church and his colleagues have used the CRISPR so far and have attempted to incorporate the features of mammoths into Asian elephant genes such as small ears, abundant subcutaneous fat, long body hair, and blood that can withstand the cold . The research team has already edited 45 Asian elephant genes and understands genes that produce features such as small ears, long hair, abundant subcutaneous fat, but the other features are not known yet to be edited That's right.


In addition, genetically edited embryos are scheduled to be raised in the artificial uterus, not in surrogate mothers, because "it is unreasonable to endanger female creatures in endangered species". Although some researchers argue that the idea of ​​raising living things in the artificial uterus is "difficult to realize in the coming decades", Professor Church said, "Growing mouse embryos in the artificial uterus for 10 days We have already succeeded. "

The goals of Professor Church's projects are "to protect the selective future of Asian elephants as an endangered species" and "to help the fight against global warming". Because permafrost contains carbon dioxide and methane, it is predicted that global warming will progress further if melted, but the existence of mammoth helps to prevent permafrost from melting down, beating trees during the summer It helps to promote the growth of grass, it seems to be an idea that it can be a measure against global warming.

However, researchers who oppose the genetic research by Professor Church and others with ethical problems are of course present. Professor Matthew Cobb of the University of Manchester said that the ethical problem that the proposal of Mammoth 's "de - extinction" has is enormous.Mammoth is not a simple set of genes, it is a social animal like Asian elephant What happens if a creature that is a hybrid of an elephant and a mammoth is born? How will they be welcomed by the elephants? I also commented on the idea of ​​raising embryos in the artificial uterus, "It can be said that it is ambitious to say the least, this synthetic animal will be deprived of the dialogue with the mother doing before it is born."

in Science,   Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log