Why aren't all standard Windows drivers updated as 'June 21, 2006'?

All time stamps of genuine Windows drivers are unified to 'June 21, 2006'. Microsoft engineers have revealed the reason for trivia, which even Windows enthusiasts may not know.

Why are all Windows drivers dated June 21, 2006? Don't you ever update drivers? --The Old New Thing

Microsoft's Raymond Chen wrote on Microsoft's official blog, 'Why are all Windows drivers dated June 21, 2006? Don't you ever update drivers?' Have you ever done that?) ”, Which reveals the seeds.

Windows ranks drivers by various criteria for the system to look for drivers for hardware. In this ranking, it is easy to find the best driver by a mechanism that comes to the top when the driver exactly matches the hardware ID, and when multiple drivers are the top candidates, 'Latest' The one with the time stamp of is given priority. '

Suppose a genuine Windows driver timestamp matches the build release date, and a third-party-provided custom driver is provided. If Windows is updated to a new build here, the timestamp of the genuine Windows driver will be newer than the date of the third-party custom driver. As a result, the rank of genuine Windows drivers will exceed the ranks of all drivers provided by third parties, and all third-party drivers will be replaced with genuine Windows drivers.

In order to avoid such inconvenience, all the time stamps of genuine Windows drivers are fixed to 'June 21, 2006'. By the way, all driver time stamps provided before June 21, 2006 are also unified on June 21, 2006.

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log