Bulletin board reddit shuts out Alternana right wing

Bulletin boardRedditHas banned the thread of "alt-right (alternate right wing)".

Reddit bans two prominent alt-right subreddits - The Verge

Access was prohibited in "r / altright" and "r / alternativeright" subdirectories, so called "extreme ideas such as white supremacy and anti-feminism"Altana right wingThe thread that the user was using. These alternate right wing threads were also known for the enthusiastic supporters of President Donald Trampe gathered.

Reddit cites that "writing personal information and uncertain information" is a policy violation of the site about the reason why two well-known alternate right wing threads were closed. According to the management of reddit, "Alternate right wing banned because it repeated content policy violation There is no single solution for this type of problem, we do good to improve the user experience of all reddit users I will go. "

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log