Why did George Orwell 's "1984" published more than half a century ago became the best seller on Amazon?

George Orwell's book published in 1949, also chosen as "Best 100 in the 20th Century written in English"1984In 2017, it ranked number one in Amazon's book bestseller.

Sales of George Orwell's 1984 surge after Kellyanne Conway's 'alternative facts' | Books | The Guardian

George Orwell's '1984' hits bestseller list again - CNN.com

George Orwell's "1984" is a piece depicting the fear of the near future world that was divided and governed by a totalitarian state. Mr. Kellyan Conway, advisor of the new president of Donald Trump, used the phrase "Alternative Facts" in an interview, but as this word was a phrase reminiscent of "1984" "1984" began to rise in Amazon's book ranking, the name book in 1949 got the best selling first place in 2017 and it said that a phenomenon occurred.

Although Mr. Conway did not specifically mention "1984", the reporter at Washington Post on CNN's debate showed that "Alternative Facts" is a phrase of George Orwell "or another Political historian Alan Richtmann on CNN's program said, "This is" 1984 ""Double thoughtIt leads to "It leads." Afterwards, "Alternative facts" also rose to the trend word on Twitter, and it is thought that it influenced the rise of "1984" sales.

Since CNN "1984" has been regarded as an essential teaching material in many schools, we anticipate that it has not become the best seller only by the speaker of the Trump new president team.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log