Ranking in which programming languages ​​happy comments or anger comments are more frequent

ByPaul Inkles

Q & A site for programmers "Stack overflowQuestions about various programming languages ​​are posted, but linguistic rankings with many happy comments such as "thank you" and linguistic rankings with a lot of anger comments such as "mistaken" "fool" It is created by BigQuery.

Which programming languages ​​have the happiest (and angriest) commenters?

◆ Programming language ranking with lots of happy comments
Results extracted from over 500,000 comments by tagging the stack overflow comment table with the language and happy comments "thank you" "thanks" "awesome" ":)" are as follows It has become like.

First place is "R language"The number of happy comments is 20.18% of the total, the second place is"Ruby on Rails'Happy comments by 17.59%, third place'XML"It is 17.44% which is a little different from the second place. Threads of "iPhone" which are not programming languages ​​are also included, but ranked in 6th place.

In the chart, it seems like this is a peaceful world in which the circumstances of the R language jump through and like to thank each other.

Also, among the happy comments of all languages, the rankings that won the highest scores are also listed. When ranked by score, there are many usersJavaScriptYaC ++And others are emerging to the higher rank.

◆ Programming language ranking with lots of comments on anger
And this is comment ranking of anger extracted by tagging with "angry comment" "wrong" "horrible" "stupid" ":(". The language galantly replaced in comparison with the happy comment ranking, the first place is "Objective-C"The number of angry comments is 3.06% of the total, the second place is"C language"The anger comment rate is 3.04%, which is a small difference. The third place is "C ++" and the comment rate of anger is 2.93%. Also, "iPhone" ranked fourth in the comment ranking of anger.

On the chart, it is like this that C language derived accounts for 1st to 3rd place with such feeling. Since it includes multithreading and algorithms in the second half of the ranking, it may be frustrating as a complicated question.

Even in the comment ranking of anger who won the highest score, the C derivation is elevating to the high rank. On the whole, even if you look at "If this really becomes your problem, I will be aware that it is completely wrong." "Do not be funny, you are not friends :(" Harsh comments gathered It was.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log