It turns out that receiving better care of a female doctor than a doctor of a male gives good results in treating illness

ByDiabetes Care

When a patient hospitalized with illness or injury fights disease, better treatment results and better survival rates appear when receiving treatment by a female doctor rather than treatment or care by a male doctor It was clarified by the research of Harvard University.

Female Doctors Beat Male Counterparts In Caring For The Elderly: Shots - Health News: NPR

This result was clarified by a study by Dr. Tsugawa Yusuke of Harvard T. H. Chung Public Health Graduate School. The research team investigated the mortality rate and re-hospitalization rate of men and women aged 65 years and older who are hospitalized in the same hospital and reported "people who received treatment by a male doctor" and "who received treatment by a female doctor" We divided the groups and compared them.

As a result, a remarkable difference was found between the two. The graph below shows the results, a dark bar indicates treatment by a female doctor, a thin bar is a group treated by a male doctor. The graph on the left shows the mortality rate after 30 days and the right shows the rehospitalization rate after 30 days, but the result that the dark bar (= group treated by female doctor) is lower in any item It has come out.

About this result, the paper states that "female doctors tend to comply with clinical guidelines on treatment and take evidence (basis) based treatment, but why this difference is occurring is It is unknown. " In addition, in the thesis, "If all patients are treated by a female doctor, the number of deaths per year will decrease by 32,000" is also conducted, and by clarifying the grounds behind this, medical It seems to be said that there is a possibility that the quality of the product will be improved.

ByWalt Stoneburner

It can be said that many people seem to understand somehow, but as for this result, the doctor in the field also said that "there is a response" such as "after all." Dr. Asish Jaar, a senior author of the paper, told his result to his wife who is also a doctor, but I thought that I would come up with an objection, but on the contrary " I was replying "I was doing!" Apparently, among people engaged in medical care, this viewpoint seems to be accepted naturally.

For this reason, the strength of empathy possessed by women, the intelligence index of the mind, the so-called "EQThere is also a view that it is at the height of ", but in any case there is no evidence to support it. From the patients who participated in the study, it was said that "male doctors do not listen to talks", but the difference in influence on such emotional aspects may also appear in the effect of treatment not.

ByILO in Asia and the Pacific

Papers published on medical journal website "JAMA Internal Medicine" can be viewed from the following links.

Outcomes of Hospitalized Medicare Beneficiaries Treated by Male vs Female Physicians | Health Care Economics, Insurance, Payment | JAMA Internal Medicine | The JAMA Network

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