Seven Strategies to Succeed Social Media Marketing Using Psychology

Social mediaIt is very important to create a comfortable place for users to operate. Whether or not the service will succeed in social media with intense competition is dependent on whether or not it will be supported by many users, but seven important strategies in creating media that attract users from the public are digital Bloggers gather popularity in articles about marketing and entrepreneurshipRick RiddleHe explained it based on a psychological point of view.

7 Psychological Tricks to Use in Your Social Media Marketing | Social Media Today

◆ 1: Social support
Things that many people are surely interested in are "things that someone likes already" and "what has already been expressed that someone is interested". Unfortunately the thing that many people get interested in is something of a kind that can not be done with individual power, but it is possible to get on that "flow".

◆ 2: Exposure effect
The reason why the familiarity and popularity is enhanced by repeating is "Mere-exposure effect(Simple contact effect) "is called psychological effect is recognized. People are familiar with familiarity with what they see repeatedly, and CM is a typical example of using this effect. Nonetheless, exposure by advertisement is limited because it has constraints such as budget. Mr. Riddle says that it is important to appeal to the key person who holds the decision making authority of the target company if it is trying to see if a particular company is interested in the service of the company.

◆ 3: Interdependence
People feel that they have to pay in return if given something. For example, it is a prudent strategy from a psychological point of view that a salesman of a car dealer gifts a ballpoint pen. If you increase your conversation with the user and make you feel that you are a "friend", engagement will increase. Riddle is thinking that this is the reason to always continue to provide something to loved ones.

◆ 4: Similarities create a connection
People have the nature to like people who are similar to themselves. Taking this as an opportunity, it is important to be conscious of being informed that you have the same values ​​and ideals as the users. You should always keep track of what people are using the service and what you like.

◆ 5: Connect with people, not corporations
Users of social media are seeking connection with people. What matters here is that they are trying to connect to "people" to the last, not companies or organizations. Therefore, it should be striving to put "people who can see the face" in social media.

Furthermore, when trying to connect with a service, the user acts on the assumption that his sense of value unconsciously shares with the value of the service. Ridle said that the most important thing to share such values ​​is the person who is the face of service.

Most companies choose a model that will be the face of service because they are simply young and attractive,Millennial generationIt is effective if you are targeting. However, it is important to choose models that have the same feeling as those who are targeted, such as those of older people or people with specific occupations.

◆ 6: Autocratic choices
At first glance, it is considered better to have more choices, but it is known that it is not so scientifically. If there are too many choices, you may choose a simpler option of saying "just not to buy" rather than choosing what to buy. Therefore, Mr. Riddle is thinking that it is a trick to restrict the scope of choice and leave only a few options that seem to be really important, making the service feel more attractive.

◆ 7: Good looking things are shared
The primary reason for behaving like sharing content with others is in the desire to reflect good things to others. From this, it is important to share content that anyone can feel as ideal, friendly and refined. If this continues continuously, Mr. Riddle will tell more people the message of social media.

in Web Service,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log