Intel talks about "Earphone Jack obstructs smartphone thinning" and prompts earphone to USB Type-C connection transition

ByMaurizio Pesce

From earlier IntelDiscontinue earphone jack and substitute USB Type-C for audio cableAlthough I am promoting the plan, the Intel Developer Forum 2016 (IDF 16) held in San Francisco on August 16, 2016 talked about the merits of abolishing earphone jack and going to USB audio.

USB Type-C could kill your headphone jack. Here's how - CNET

Intel says new USB Type-C spec will ease headphone jack loss

This is what Intel's Brad Saunders and Rahman Ismail said.

Currently, "earphone jack (3.5 mm mini jack)" used when using earphones and headphones with music players and smart phones spread by being used for Sony's portable music player "Walkman". However, Intel and its cooperating companies are continuing their activities to completely replace them with "USB Type-C".

Mr. Saunders as the basis for switching standards that have spread so far is that "precious space is used only to install 3.5 mm mini jacks". When a smartphone aims at even a little thin direction, extra space will be cut down more and more, but the 3.5 mm mini jack is obstructing its thinning.

Another thing is that since the 3.5 mm mini jack related analog circuit is, there is a possibility of adversely affecting other electronic circuits inside the smartphone.

In addition, if you are using earphones or headphones connected via a 3.5 mm mini jack, you need to borrow the power of manufacturers such as "Dolby" and "Bose" to provide audio technology to achieve high sound quality, earphones and headphones themselves In order to enjoy a certain sound, it was necessary to invest accordingly. However, if it becomes digital audio that does not pass through analog, since it is possible to improve sound quality and add effects by digital processing, it becomes unnecessary to spend so much money on the equipment itself, and smartphone makers need to borrow hands from audio technology makers It will be gone, Mr. Saunders explained.

ByFlattop 341

Also, the advantage of having a USB connection is that since a chip for controlling power consumption is mounted on a device connected via USB, "When the power is turned off, the power is automatically turned off It will be able to make earphones called "Earphones." For this reason, it is thought that the difference in battery consumption between the conventional earphone and the newly-developed USB earphone will be in a negligible range.

Speaking of USB Type-C, both ports and plugs are unlike conventional USB, but first of all I realize the advantage of being able to plug in and unplug them without worrying about the front and back sides, but it is possible to transfer the transfer speed and charging speed, and even HD video of 1080p or more The point is also great merit.

According to Mr. Saunders, via USB Type-CDisplayPortIt is also possible to output the image of the image to the external monitor.

in Hardware, Posted by logc_nt