A man claiming "invented the iPhone more than 15 years ago from Apple" sued Apple, compensation of over 1 trillion yen

ByJohn Karakatsanis

A Chinese smartphone maker appealed patent infringement as "iPhone is protecting the company's smartphone design"Order suspension of iPhone in Beijing CityWas sent to Apple, but this time it was sued by a man claiming that "iPhone, iPad, iPod is stealing my design." Moreover, the man who filed an appeal calls for a tremendous amount of compensation of 10 billion dollars (about 1.2 trillion yen).

Florida Man Sues Apple for $ 10 + Billion, Says iOS Devices Copy His 1992 Drawings - Mac Rumors

Man who claims he invented iPhone in 1992 sues Apple for $ 10 bn

Man sues Apple for $ 10 billion, claims company copied his designs for iPhone, iPad, iPod

According to various media such as MacRumors and The Telegraph, Apple filed suit against Thomas Ross living in Florida. From 23rd May to 10th September 1992, Mr. Ross handwritten the design proposal of the terminal named "Electronic Reading Device", and the design of Apple's iPhone, iPad, and iPod closely resembles the Electronic Reading Device We have filed a lawsuit as if it is doing.

Mr. Ross has a rectangular shape and rounded corner of the Electronic Reading Device, it features a backlit lit touch screen to read novels and newspapers, to watch pictures and videos, like a phone It is a device that can communicate and connect to the Internet, claiming that "designs and functions never existed before 1992 are fused".

The Electronic Reading Device designed by Mr. Ross is the left terminal and the right is the iPhone.

The second design is a terminal equipped with dual screen.

What is the patent on Electronic Reading Device? Although Ross applied in November 1992, it was rejected in 1995 by the US Patent and Trademark Office. The reason why the patent application was rejected is that Mr. Ross did not pay the application fee. However, Mr. Ross filed copyright registration of Electronic Reading Device to the US Copyright Office this time in 2014.

"We are continuing to suffer irreparable damage which does not heal with money," Mr. Ross requested a jury trial, and compensation of approximately 1.2 trillion yen and Apple gained sales of iPhone, iPad, and iPod by Apple We are seeking payment of up to 1.5% of sales.

Incidentally,4th quarter of 201562.5% of Apple's sales of 51.5 billion US dollars (about 5.3 trillion yen) is the iPhone sales, including sales of iPads and iPods in this, Ross is looking for Even 1.5% I'm afraid it will be amazing.

in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log