What is the popular game actually played on VR headset?
Along with Oculus Rift already shipping and PlayStation VR which is scheduled to appear in 2016, VR headset with high attention is "HTC Vive"is. The players who purchased HTC Vive released in March 2016 investigated what kind of games they played, Ars Technica IT related media, and released details of it.
Steam Gauge: What VR games are popular with HTC Vive's early adopters [Updated] | Ars Technica
According to Ars Technica, HTC Vive is able to investigate data such as the number of players and play time because the corresponding games are mainly delivered by Steam, but Oculus Rift is a game store specialized store called "Oculus Store" Because it is provided and it is difficult to obtain data from the store, this time it is a survey focusing on HTC Vive.
First of all, among the HTC Vive games delivered by Steam, the top 20 games with many people who are owned are summarized in the graph below. The title with "^" in the game title is the game bundled with the HTC Vive developer model, with "★" in the free game including those bundled with HTC Vive Become.
The most owner is "The Lab"The number is 80,100 people. It is a game that can repair robots in special space, protect the castle and experience various VRs.
The Lab by Valve - HTC Vive - YouTube
The second is played as a surgeon who performs a surgery flying over the patient "Surgeon Simulator VR: Meet The MedicThe number of owners is 73,900. This game will be the game bundled with the developer model of HTC Vive.
Surgeon Simulator VR: Meet The Medic Trailer - YouTube
The third place is "Heaven Island LifeIt is a game to explore islands like Heaven called "Heaven" that has 53,100 owners.
Heaven Island Life - YouTube
The graph below focuses on "people who are playing" only. There are a lot of people who are playing, distinguishing themselves from "people who are playing (Orange)" and "people who own them but who are not playing (green)". Although the number of players has decreased considerably, "The Lab" is again the 1st place. Second place is "Tilt Brush", The third place is" Heaven Island Life "result. The number of people who owned but did not play Surgeon Simulator VR who was second in "Owners of Top 20" remained conspicuous.
Second placeTilt BrushIs a drawing game released by Google, and it is content that VR space can be campused and draw anything.
Tilt Brush: Painting from a new perspective - YouTube
Looking at the top 20 of total play time, "Heaven Island Life" and "WindlandsYou can see that other games are unblocked.
"Windlands" of the top 20 total play time is a game that hooks explore the ancient world where the mountains where the mountain height rises rise.
Windlands Launch Trailer - YouTube
The top graph of the average play time per player is below graph. "Heaven Island Life" which kept the top in the ranking so far receded to the 12th place, and "Windlands" won first place when the average play time is reached. Second place is "Cyberpong VRIn third place is "Hover Junkers"The game is ranked in.
"Cyberpong VR" is a game playing like a table tennis of the future in a cyber space like the movie "TRON".
Cyberpong VR - HTC Vive Launch Trailer - YouTube
"Hover Junkers" is a shooter for multi-players shooting in a steam punk-like ship. I can experience FPS which I have never seen before.
Hover Junkers "Outlaw" Trailer - YouTube
Looking at the top 20 of the total sales until 6th May 2016,Audio Shield"The game is a top of trembling with 542,600 dollars (about 59 million yen). Second place is "Space Pirate Trainer"It is 387,500 dollars (about 42.18 million yen) at 3rd place and 333,300 dollars (about 36,250,000 yen) at" Hover Junkers ".
"Audio Shield" is a sound game that makes you feel the future, and its play style transcends the sound gain of the past.
Audioshield first look, VR mixed-reality - YouTube
"Space Pirate Trainer", the second largest in total sales, is a shooting game with the theme of space pirates, and is now delivered by early access by Steam.
Space Pirate Trainer - Early Access Release Trailer - YouTube
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