TED representative Chris Anderson reveals the secret that "TED produces a great speech"

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Various people speak "ideas worth sharing"TEDI will represent the conferenceChris AndersonI am talking about why TED can produce a wonderful speech. In TED 's wonderful speech, there is only one common factor, that is the source of valuable speech, Anderson says it is a way to make meaningful presentations.

TED's Secret to Great Public Speaking | Chris Anderson - YouTube

There is a person that there is what "TED formula talk method" exists. Sharing experiences when I was a child, revealing personal secrets, closing up with an impressive finale calling for action ... ...

But that is not the case. There is no such formula.

If you want to make a good presentation and rely on such "TED formula talk method", it is a ridiculous way to rely on mere emotion theory.

However, it is also true that TED's wonderful talk has only one element in common. I am talking now, thinking of sharing it with everyone.

I was blessed to see many wonderful talks in the front row thanks to TED representative "privilege", so I was able to know this common element. It is a "secret" to create a wonderful story.

Every wonderful talk that seems to be totally different actually has one common element.

The first necessary task to talk with TED is "to deliver a special gift to the mind of the audience".

Strange but beautiful things ... call it "an idea".

Let's see a concrete example. she isHaley Van Dick. I am waiting for the turn to talk with TED.

To be honest, it is "terror" that dominates her.

Hayley heads to the stage by being called with a name and clapping.

The audience listens to her words.

And in the following 18 minutes of talk I notice that Hayley's brain and my brain are starting to synchronize.

And that means that the unknown audience starts to synchronize with each other.

Everyone is beginning to show the same brain wave pattern.

It is not just embracing the same emotions. More surprising things are happening.

Let's look inside Hailey's brain.

There are countless numbers of neurons interconnected and intertwined with each other.

However, the millions of neurons in it are linked. There is one idea there.

The pattern that produces this idea is incredibly accurate ... ...

It is also reproduced in the brain of the audience.

Hairy's idea teleported into the brains of over 1000 people in just a few minutes.

So what is an "idea"?

It can be regarded as a pattern of information. It helps to learn about the world and guides the world.

Ideas have various shapes, sizes and complexities.

Let's take some examples from the stage of TED.

Ken Robinson"Creativity is the key to the future of children."

"Creativity is essential for education as well as reading and writing characters."

Eora · HardyI told the beauty of the building made of bamboo.

she isShimomananda Edishi. "A single story creates stereotypes, the problem here is not only that it is not true, but it is incomplete."

I have an idea in my mind.

It is random, but we link carefully to each other.

They gather and make amazingly complicated shapes. That is the "world view" that everyone has their own.

It is the operating system of the brain, it will guide the world. The world view is made up of millions of ideas.

For example, if there is an idea that "cats are adorable" constituting one piece in a world view ... ...

The reaction when I see a cat is like this.

And if there is an idea that "leopard is horrible", the response to leopard will be another form.

Therefore, it is clear whether the idea is important for making the world view.

Everyone needs an idea that is a trustworthy guide that will guide the horrible yet wonderful real world.

Each world view can be surprisingly different. What reaction do you show when you see a thing?

Dahlia MogaheadFrom the talk. "What do you think, seeing me, a person with faith?"

"Something specialist - maybe Sister?"

"Or was it oppressed and brainwashed terrorist?"

The response to something is different for each person, the number of people. That is why the idea is important.

If it goes well, people's idea (idea) can change. And that strange idea will change that person's subsequent actions. Idea is the power to make human culture the strongest.

So when you take the TED speaker the most important task you'll need is "Build ideas in the minds of the audience"

The four guidelines for realizing this task are as follows. First, "to talk to a single important idea"

Since the idea is complex, you should concentrate on the most passionate idea. And you should give examples that give context to vivid ideas.

You should pick one idea, create a way through the whole story, and eventually all the things should link to the idea.

The second is "to give the listener reason why it seems important"

Before we start making something in the audience's heart, we need to establish permission that they will welcome you. What is the most important thing for that?

That is "Curiosity". It awakens the curiosity of the audience.

It might be good to ask provocative questions. Why is something meaningless, or is it necessary to oppose it?

If you can clarify the piece that fills the "hole" open to the world view, the audience will surely feel the need for knowledge to fill it. If you evoke that desire, it makes it easy for you to create ideas in the audience.

Third, "The idea is to construct with familiar things to the audience"

You should use the power of words. You should use something already in the minds of the audience.

It must be "their words", not "your words".

Speakers sometimes tend to commit a failure to use the words unfamiliar to the audience as they normally do.

The metaphor is very effective.

For example, Jennifer Kahn compared it with "CRISPR" to describe the genome editing technology, "I got a word processor that human beings can edit DNA for the first time."

Brilliant explanations evoke satisfaction and are determined to fit in our minds.

It is effective to explore the reaction by trying a parable with a close friend. I find the part where the partner is confused.

Fourth, "to make ideas worth sharing"

What this means is to ask yourself. "To whom does this idea benefit?" To this question, we need to answer honestly.

If the answer is you or the organization to which you belong, the idea is probably not worth sharing. The audience will pass through you.

But if your idea holds the possibility of value to share, it's a good idea to make someone's day bright, change someone's perspective, or do something different from the past It will be a boost. That wonderful talk will be a gift for all.

A speech made by Chris Anderson at TED can be watched below. Both are Japanese subtitles.

TED's Vision Tells Chris Anderson | TED Talk | TED.com

Chris Anderson "The World's Innovation Boosted by Videos on the Web" | TED Talk | TED.com

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