"Influence of LSD on human brain" revealed by brain scan for the first time in the world

Research that LSD which is a type of hallucinogen is acting on the human brain has been difficult to carry out so far, but in a new study the brain of the person taking the LSD is scanned for the first time in the world and how the LSD is in the brain It has been made clear whether it has an influence.

Brain scans reveal how LSD affects consciousness: Nature News & amp; Comment

Until the 1960s the possibility of therapeutic drugs has been studied LSD has been enacted in many countries including the United States and the UK since 1967. This regulation spreads internationally and it was difficult to study LSD until recently, as each country claimed LSD as "one without medical value". On the other hand, the United Nations and international law do not prohibit the use of LSD for academic research, and even in British law, it is legal to use LSD in research unless it is used as a treatment. Therefore, the research team of Dr. David · Nat et al. Of Imperial College London, etc. got permission from the Ethics Committee of the UK for 9 months and administered LSD to subjects who have taken drugs, I realized the method of scanning the brain for 8 hours.

By- Tico--

Mr. Nat et al.'s research team first observed the blood flow in each part of the brain using fMRI,MagnetoencephalogramI investigated the electrical activity of the brain using. As a result, it turned out that the communication in the part where the LSD-taking state brain should not communicate normally is active as compared with the placebo-state subject. For example, the visual cortex communicates with other parts of the brain with no common points, which can be explained as one of the causes of LSD causing hallucinations.

On the other hand, the signal of the neuron in the important network of the brainOut-of-syncIt is also in the state of. This changes the sense of ego of LSD recipients and makes me feel like I am not just about myself, but as if I share a feeling with others.

Furthermore, in the state of taking LSD, it plays an important role in coding and retrieval of memoryHippocampal parachiaCommunication between visual cortex and visual cortex decreases, but it turns out that visual cortex receives information from nearby Kaiba when listening to music. Therefore, even if the eyes are closed, listening to music seems to show images and memories in front of you. Mr. Nut said, music will be important when using LSD as a treatment.

ByTaryn Nefdt

Twenty subjects in this study, and five of them were intensely moving during the scan, so there was only 15 proper data, but the impact of the data obtained is very clear and remarkable, the past There was consistency with the research content of Mr. Nat.

Researching the impact of LSD on the brain leads to researching what awareness is about human beings. In addition, the research team is aiming to establish LSD as a treatment method finally, and we need more data to investigate the dependence of LSD and the effect of making people feel depressed. LSD as a treatment method began to be proposed in the 1950s as a method to save many alcoholics and in the research carried out in 2012 the data of the time was analyzed "LSD helps to reduce alcohol intake" The conclusion was drawn. However, though animal experiments were conducted, no experiments have been conducted with humans as subjects.

Furthermore, from now on, it seems that the investigation will proceed on "LSD affects human creativity", "How does LSD cause dreaming state?"

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log