Shooting sex with men and women in the car in drone, contributing to arrest of prostitutes

ByMarta Manso

In the United StatesNevadaProstitution has been legalized in some states, but prostitution is considered illegal in most states, prostitution and its medicine and street prostitution are prohibited in Oklahoma. In such Oklahoma City's Oklahoma City, there is the existence of justice called "Drone vigilante" that shoots movie shots of acts of prostitution and drug trafficking that are taking place on the streets of the area for 20 years, I will.

Sex worker caught by 'drone vigilante' pleads guilty - BBC News

Mr. Amanda Zolikofa living in Oklahoma State in August 2015 was arrested on charges of prostitution, but in 2016 he finally acknowledged the act. It seems that the movie taken by Drone Brian Bates who is acting as the "Drone vigilante" in the same Oklahoma state played a decisive role. According to Mr. Brian, he seems to have succeeded in taking aerial photographs of Mr. Amanda and his opponent's sex acting in a drown in a car parked in an unpopular place, this movie shows evidence of prostitution As provided to the Oklahoma City Police.

Mr. Brian is a web site operated by himself as a prostitute attracted by street and a movie photographed by the customerJohn TV"We have published a lot. The following movie is a movie containing all the prostitution made by Mr. Amanda, including how he searches for customers on the street and how he actually ran into sex acts in the car.

JohnTV Ep: 500 - A man is busted by a drone having sex with a street prostitute in Oklahoma City - YouTube

Robinson street in Oklahoma City

Many prostitutes are making a toll in this area.

A sign written as "Warning" states that "This is not a place to prostitute" and if you are performing a prostitution you will be told that shooting and reporting will be done ... ....

Still many prostitutes come to gather.

Some women respond to Mr. Brian's camera with an irreverent attitude.

The prostitution act done on Feron street seems to be filming the YouTube channel 'JohnTV' released by Mr. Brian many times, and it seems that customers who know this fact are flowing to Robinson street about.

And one woman found after continuing shooting for a while.

This woman is Mr. Amanda, running on a male green truck and running away somewhere.

Mr. Brian tracks this with the car. After running a few blocks on the truck, I will drop Amanda.

Surprisingly, it seems that the man who was on the pursued green truck seemed to be a mediator of prostitution and was taking the role of taking a woman to the place where prostitution is done. Mr. Brian decides to use the drones to shoot the situation of prostitution. The reason to use the drone seems to be to avoid having trouble with a prostitution broker on a green truck.

So the drones started flying immediately.

Then I will discover a white track that only one car got unnaturally.

When I looked down in the truck with lowering the altitude as it was, it was just acting.

When you are shooting for a while, you notice Drone Amanda flying out of the track.

And the act was interrupted, Mr. Amanda dropped the place on the truck.

In response to BBC's interview, Mr. Brian said, "I am known to some extent in Oklahoma City.In the past 20 years I have taken picture of prostitution and trafficking in the street using a video camera "I tell you. According to Mr. Brian, it is safer to use the drones to shoot such images, and good images can be taken.

According to the BBC, the court sentence states that "Mr. Amanda was sentenced to state prison for a misdemeanor for one year" and men who seemed to have become clients of Mr. Amanda in this case were 12 Although it was arrested in February, it seems that it is pending even at the stage of April 2016.

in Video, Posted by logu_ii