"Harry Potter" Valuable chair that the author used during writing appeared in the auction

"Harry Potter" series celebrates 20 years in 2016 from publication of the first work. In the year 2016 which becomes the year of that milestone, the eighth work "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" that the original author, JK Rowling handles the screenplayStage performanceAnd the scriptBook making, And furthermore, it became clear that the chair which J. K. Rowling used while writing was exhibited in the auction.

J. K Rowling's Harry Potter Chair Auction # 6155

You can see what kind of chair J.K. Rowling was using from the following movie.

J. K Rowling's Harry Potter Chair - YouTube

The chair is made of oak wood and the autograph of J. K. Rowling is written in the "Kasagi" part at the top of the backrest.

Preside over auctionHeritage AuctionsAccording to Noah Fleisher of Mr. JK Rowling, he uses this chair during the writing of the first series "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" and the second work "Harry Potter and the Secret Room" It is said that.

The character of "HARRY POTTER" in the seat frame and the same lightning bolt as the scar of Harry's forehead are written.

When you bid on a chair, a letter from J. K. Rowling himself comes with it. The deliverer is "Owl POST" carrying a letter in the magical world.

The contents of the letter was "To the owner of a new chair. It was in 1995 that I got a ragged four-leg dining chair, and this chair puts it in front of a typewriter in four legs I was using it for writing "the wise man's stone" and "secret room" so I am sad to leave a chair, but my back does not seem to think so. "From JK Rowling" . The seating comfort of the chair seems not so good.

Looking at the chair from the front looks like the following. Mr. J. K. Rowling let go of this chair in 2002, and the British Child CouncilNSPCC) For a donation to the auction, bidding for 15,000 pounds (about 1.89 million yen). In 2009 it appeared on eBay of the Internet auction and it is trading at 19,5555 pounds (about 2.86 million yen).

In the part of "penetrating" that reinforces the legs ......

It is written as "GRYFFINDOR" of the dormitory Harry belonged to.

The letters written on the four sides of the seat frame are one sentence, and as you read in order, "I WROTE"



"ON THIS CHAIR" (I sat on this chair and wrote Harry Potter).

The seating surface faded considerably on the sun, but I can see that red and green flowers are drawn.

Fleisher says, "I hope Harry Potter fans decorate themselves at home or display them at museums." Comment.

In addition, J. K. Rowling's chair will accept bid acceptance on the Internet on Friday, March 18, 2016 and auction will be held at New York venue on Wednesday, April 6. The UK's leading luxury paper, The Guardian, said, "This chair is worth $ 45,000 (about 511 million yen),"Reportis.

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