Government blocking Facebook apps to make it inaccessible

ByJoelle L

To provide free Internet infrastructure to areas where the Internet is not available, mainly in developing countries,Internet.orgWe organize and work on various activities. Services provided by that can provide free mobile networks and use smartphone applications "Free BasicsAlthough it is one of them, the Free Basics service was banned in India. The reason is "It will impair the neutrality of the Internet".


Mark Zuckerberg - Everyone in the world should have access to the internet.

India blocks Zuckerberg's free net app - BBC News

World's biggest democracy stands up for net neutrality - World Wide Web Foundation, led by Facebook, provides mobile lines as a "Free Basics" service in partnership with local telecommunications carriers for areas where the Internet environment is not well established. In Free Basics, you can connect to the Internet with a Free Basics application available on smartphones and tablet devices, and the Free Basics app includes Facebook and Facebook Messenger along with content such as weather forecast, news, medical information, Wikipedia . In short, Free Basics allows users to access the Internet for free, and Facebook has a win-win relationship that is beneficial for both parties, allowing Facebook users to be increased in exchange for offering mobile lines.

Developing Free Basics service in developing countries in more than 30 countries Facebook launched the Free Basics service in partnership with local carrier Reliance in India in a massive market. However, to regulate India's telecommunicationsTelecom Regulatory Authority of India(TRAI) requested Facebook to suspend service provision in December 2015. This is because Free Basics restricts the pages that users can view to specified content, so the basic principle of the Internet is "Network neutralityIt is based on the reason that it harms.

TRAI's opinion that the Internet is not desirable because it is a network neutrality spirit that Free Basics violates the spirit that every terminal in the world is connected by all the terminals in the world and should not limit the contents that can be connected is. In response to this Free Basics request, Facebook is calling for TRAI to reply to TRAI as being able to offer the Internet world to those who can not use the Internet by Free Basics, calling for sending mail against the policy of prohibiting Free Basics against TRAISave Free Basics in India"The campaign was deployed.

However, on February 8, 2016 TRAI decided to ban Free Basics and prohibited the provision of Free Basics service in India. According to TRAI's decision Mark Sackerberg, CEO of Facebook, said: "We are disappointed with the decision, but we will continue our efforts to provide the Internet to those who can not connect to the Internet, which is still around the world I promise to continue. " On the other hand,Tim Berners LeeEstablished byWorld Wide Web FoundationSaid, "We should not make a two-tier Internet," welcomes TRAI's decision on Free Basics regulation.

It is clear that there is legitimacy in the assertion that "it should not be divided into two areas, one that can access the Internet world and one that can not be accessed", but on the other hand it is part of the Internet in areas where the Internet is not available in the first place It seems reasonable to argue that the significance of giving freedom to access is also great. TRAI 's ban on Free Basics seems to raise various questions about how to protect' freedom to access the Internet '.

in Mobile,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log