I went to the "books that changed the world" exhibition that gathered historical books such as Galileo Newton Faraday Curie

The Forest Theory, which has been believed for 1300 years, was overcome by Copernicus's "Giant Theory" and historical books that can be evaluated as "the world has changed" as human beings' science and technology has improved greatly is the wisdom of mankind It is. I will exhibit and publish more than 100 historical science and technology books at almost the same time in the first edition at once"Book that Changed the World" ExhibitionWas held for the first time in Osaka, I have burned a lot of pages on history.

[Book that Changed the World] Exhibition Traveling Following the Intelligence of Mankind | Kanazawa Institute of Technology

Arrived at Grandefront Osaka Kita - kan.

The "books that changed the world" exhibition is held at Knowledge Capital Event Lab on the basement floor. In the book exhibition that changed the world, more than 100 books engraving the history of serious scientific discoveries and new technology challenges that change the world among science and technology books held by Kanazawa Institute of Technology are open to the public for free.

The entrance looks something like this. I will go through "the gate of the book".

What is exhibited is "rare books" mainly written scientific books. The condition of the rare book is that it is a book that remains very few, contents that are extremely valuable and originally come out to the world, and most of the books exhibited are first edition books. Because there are times when modifications are added by overlapping versions, it seems that they are stuck to the original and gather to know the beginning of historical academics.

The first exhibit is the "space of knowledge" called the space where bookshelves are lined up.

The books on the bookshelf are those students are viewing at the library of Kanazawa Institute of Technology.

The walls of knowledge that all books of nearly 5000 books follow are pretty spectacular.

In the intellectual wall area, books on architecture are displayed in the glass case. This is "Johan Berghardt Fischer von Erlach's" historical building plan "(1721: first edition)

Giovanni Battista · Piranesi's "Ruins and Architectural Landscapes of Ancient Rome" (1748: first edition)

In the historical architectural book I found photographs of Mrs. Curie.

Autumn sign of how Mrs Curie.

Einstein's original research notes are also on display.

This is Einstein's note.

There is a letter of Graham Bell.

When I looked at the bookshelf well, I noticed that it was a twisted structure.

This is a unique shaping protruding towards you as you go upward.

Some are mirrors, showing various faces.

The bookshelves that make up the wall of knowledge are all designed by students studying architecture at Kanazawa Institute of Technology.

Beyond the intellectual barrier, there is a spacious space "Knowledge Forest".

It seems that books are exhibited one at a time in a glass case.

At the entrance of Knowledge Forest, 12 volumes of rare books exhibited at the Osaka Exhibition 's exhibition were exhibited.

This is "Apollo 11 mission record (moon landing contact record), first step to the moon" (1969: first edition)

Neil Armstrong's contact record for the first time in the moon which has come down on the moon is written.

"Molecular structure of nucleic acid" by James Watson and Francis Click (1953: first edition)

This is a paper I first proposed that the molecular structure of the DNA constituting the chromosome is a double helix.

Alexander Fleming's "Antibacterial action of Aokabi culture medium" (1929: first edition)

It is a record of the discovery of the first antibiotic "penicillin" ever.

Gregor Johan Mendel's "Study on Plants = Hybrids" (1866: first edition)

Through eight years of research, Mendel's law on genetics was established.

Charles Darwin's "Origin of Species" (1859: first edition) is also available.

We propose "evolution theory" that seeds evolve to adapt to the environment at all times.

Hermann von Helmholtz's "About preservation of power" (1847: first edition). We measured that the increase in kinetic energy corresponds to the reduction of the potential energy and formulated the "conservation law of energy" if the kinetic energy is equal to the workable amount of the object.

Sebastien Le Prestor de Vauban's "Fortress City's Attack and Defense" (1727: first edition) is a compilation of architectural techniques and siege techniques that Louis XIV's most trusted military engineers gathered.

Blaze Pascal's "Discussion on liquid equilibrium and air mass" (1663: first edition). Pascal, famous for "Man is a thinking reed", has a high achievement in physics (atmospheric science). In this book, we confirmed that the atmospheric pressure decreases as the location becomes higher.

Jevelius Johannes' Astronomical Machine Volume 1 (1673: first edition)

Comparing ancient and contemporary observation instruments, this book showing the astronomical observation equipment designed by himself has had a great influence on subsequent astronomical observation method and observation instrument production.

Vasari Giorgio's "The Life of the Most Excellent Painter, Sculptor, Architect" (1568: Revised Edition) is a court architect and artist who used it for Cosimo di Medici I, from the beginning of the Renaissance to the end of the Renaissance I am criticizing works of excellent painters, sculptors and architects across the globe.

Gaius · Plinyus-Sekundus' s "Museum of magazines 37th" (1513: first edition entitled Input) is the only uncompleted work among the books written by politician / soldier Pliny who served as Secretary of the Roman Fleet .

Alp masar's "Astrology" (1488: first edition) is a masterpiece that made theoretical foundation of astrology. Although astrology itself is not science, astronomical observation for practice has been selected because it contributed greatly to improvement of observation technology and data collection.

Symbol monuments are displayed in the center of the knowledge forest.

In light of the fact that scientific and technological achievements announced in books create new achievements, they are expressing the "chain of intellectual creation" by books.

The fields of academic discrimination are color-coded, showing the way each achievement is related through the times.

It seems that genealogy of knowledge that begins with Aristotle will arrive at "development of rocket".

So I started exploring the knowledge forest. Firstly, the green theme "Inheritance of ancient knowledge".

It is like this part in the monument.

Aristotle's "Greek Language Works" (1495 - 1498: first edition)

Aristotle, who was also the largest natural scientist and ancient Greek philosopher, established the "scientific way of thinking" that uses logical reasoning.

In addition, a check mark like a photograph is attached to "Greek-language work collection". This is a mark attached to 20 particularly important books that changed the times.

Isidor's "etymology" (1472: first edition) is a kind of encyclopedia that describes the terms including science and technical terms.

Eugleides 'original theory (original geometry)' (1482: first edition)

This book, which summarizes all the achievements of Greek geometry as a body, is used as a textbook in medieval times, modern times, and modern times.

Apollonius 'full collection' (1537: first edition)

Apollonius, one of Greece 's largest geometers, studied a curve that can be produced when cutting a cone in a plane. I named and defined ellipse, parabola, hyperbola.

Archimedes 'quadrilateral, circle quadrature' (1503: first edition). This was originally printed and published as Archimedes' book, which includes the quadrature method which is called the origin of the integral method, the paper concerning the determination of the circumference ratio, and so on.

Regian Montan's "Alma Guest (Great Ptolemy)" (1496: first edition)

A legendary astronomer Ptolemy's astronomer who published "Forest Theory", which Legiontanus translated into Latin.

Archimedes' "Philosophy and Geometry Excellent Complete Works" (1544: first edition)

Archimedes mathematically proved the practical results of weapons such as siege casting machines and throwing stones using geometry, and remarkably developed dynamics and mathematics.

The second theme is "Newton universe". Ptolemy's False Dynamic Space Model crushes by Copernicus's theory of motion, Kepler's law of planetary motion, Galileo's moon observation, and Newton's universal gravitation. The movement of every star or object will be replaced by Newton's universe model which can be analyzed / predicted.

About Nicholas Copernicus's "Rotation of the Earth" (1543: first edition)

"Giant movement" counted as one of the greatest achievements in science history has been established in this book.

Johannes Kepler's "New Astronomy" (1609: first edition)

Kepler 's second law that Kepler' s first law, "Planets operate on elliptical orbits centered on the sun", "the line connecting the planet moving on the sun and the orbit, draws the same area at the same time" , Was announced in this document.

Galileo Galilei's "Star World Report" (1610: first edition)

It is a historical book that proved sensational by visually demonstrating Copernicus's astronomical hypothesis for the first time.

Similarly, Galileo's "Dialogue on the world's largest system" (1632: first edition). The book spelled out in the debate form of supporters of both the dynasty and the earth movement, even though the Forest Theory is written to win, all the arguments will support the speech theory.

Simplicity, supporters of the Fairy Dynamism, is portrayed as a stupid person who can not understand the theory of the theory.

Isaac Newton's "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (Principia)" (1687: first edition). It is a historical masterpiece that is also evaluated as the best scientific article in history, which has created a new view of the universe.

Historically unprecedented genius Newton presents the Law of Inertia, Law of Motion, Law of Action / Reaction at the Principia Part 1 part. In the second part we are presenting fluid dynamics and the third part presents the theory of universal gravitation.

The third area following the Newton universe is "analytic geometry". "Gotfried Wilhelm Leibniz 's New Method on Maxima and Minima" (1684: first edition). Leibniz raises performance in two fundamental areas in mathematics: continuity and discretion.

René Descartes 'Introductory Method' (1637: first edition) presents the concept of spatial coordinates in geometry.

Leonhardt / Euler's "Introduction to Infinite Analysis" (1748: first edition). Math giant Euler declared for the first time that analytics would result in function theory.

The fourth area is "weight / power"

Tartarella's "New Science" (1537: first edition). In order to determine the aim of the cannon whose range has been extended, I studied ballistics and discovered that the cannon bent downwards by its own weight and draw a parabola. It also proofs to get maximum range with an elevation angle of 45 degrees.

According to Galileo's "New Science Dialogue" (1638: first edition), "It is assumed that all objects fall at the same speed in a vacuum state." I confirmed by an approximate experiment.

"Pendulum clock" by Christian Huygens (1673: first edition)

I discovered that the pendulum draws a locus of a cycloid rather than a circle. It summarized the results on moment of inertia and gravity and centrifugal force, which led to the discovery of Newton's gravitation.

The fifth area is "light". Al-Hazen's "Optical Hakuzo" (1572: first edition).

Submitted the theory that the light from the light source such as the sun reflects and forms an image on the eyes. It also shows accurate eyeball structure.

Huygens' 'Discussion on the Light' (1690: first edition)

I thought that the shock wave or pulsation in ether overlapped with light.

Newton's "Optics: reflection, refraction, light propagation and color" (1704: first edition). We describe the light based on the particle theory, and interpret the light interference and diffraction based on the oscillation theory, we present the duality of light.

In Thomas Young's Theory of Color and Light (1802: first edition), Young is convinced that the wave theory of Huygens is correct, thinks that light has the same properties as sound, it is similar to sound interference phenomenon We also assumed that the phenomenon of light is also in the light.

Also Young's "Lecture on Natural Philosophy and Mechanical Engineering" (1807: first edition). Characteristically being published in color.

I confirmed that color is perceived by the three perceptions on the retina of the eye, and gave the foundation of the three primary color theory.

Robert Hook's "Fine Art Magazine" (1665: first edition)

Hook known for "Hooke's law" is the largest experimental chemist in the 17th century, discovered plant cells by devising a decomposing microscope. I named it "cell".

The sixth area "substance / element" started from "Just Distillation Method" (1500: first edition) by Hieronymus · Brunswick.

Details of distillation extraction method from herbs using beautiful illustrations. He said that he was heavily used up to the 16th century as the most prestigious handbook of drug manufacturing.

Robert Boyle's "skeptical chemist" (1661: first edition). We argue that the element is a non-divisable ultrafine particle obtained only by experimental analysis and denies the four element theory of Aristotle's earth, water, ki and fire.

Andewan Laboagier's "Chemical Theory" (1789: first edition) thought that certain gases in the air would bind to the metal and was named "oxygen".

This systematicized chemistry theory became the first textbook of modern science.

The seventh area is "electricity and magnetism". Jean Tenier's "The Nature of Magnets and the Value of Their Effects" (1562: first edition). In the book which discusses various problems such as the liquid motion theory, gunnery, tidal theory, ship design, centering on magnetic problems, the important part is actually plagiarism. However, it was said that the book which was widely read out went out to English translation and had influence.

Charles · Coulomb's "Studies on electricity and magnetism" (1785 - 1789: first edition). Discover the law on electromagnetic force known by Coulomb's law.

Alessandro Volta's "Electricity caused by mere contact of dissimilar conductors" (1800: first edition)

I showed experiments that electricity is generated by sandwiching the paper with salt water between the silver and zinc plates and also succeeded in extracting the current. The world's first accumulator / voltaic cell revolutionized the theory and application of electricity.

Georg · Gemon · Ohm's 'mathematically handled galvanic battery' (1827: first edition). We confirmed that the strength of the current is proportional to the cross sectional area of ​​the wire and inversely proportional to the length, and found Ohm's law which is the relationship E = RI.

Michael Faraday's "Experimental Study of Electricity" (1839: first edition)

Faraday, the largest experimental chemist in the history of science and technology, announced electromagnetic induction in this book.

I lay the foundation of the motor and generator after.

Thomas Edison's "Dynamo Generator / Patent Document (Patent No.297, 587)" (April 29, 1884) is a patent on inventions that increase efficiency for generators invented by Edison using Dynamo's principle Instructions for application documents.

The eighth area is "Wireless · Telephone"

Graham Bell's "Telephone Research" (1877: first edition). Bell invented "telephone" from the idea that it can transmit conversation at the speed of light by converting a change in sound into a change in current. By the way, the message that was first transmitted was said to be "Watson, you came a minute" Bell calls the assistant.

"About Very Fast Electrical Vibration" by Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1887: first edition). Experimentally demonstrated the existence of the electromagnetic wave theoretically expected by Maxwell and its air propagation which Maxwell did not clarify.

The 9th area is "Flying"

Lana Terzi's "New invention based on great technology" (1670: first edition)

We made a thin copper hollow sphere and thought that if we let out the air in the pump it would be lighter than the atmosphere and would float in the air. Although it did not consider the atmospheric pressure applied to the ball, it later led to the inventing of vacuum pump, the realization of vacuum, the invention of the balloon.

Daniel Bernoulli's "Fluid Dynamics" (1738: first edition). In the world's first fluid dynamics book, Hydrodynamics theory named Bernoulli was said to be the basic theory of aircraft.

Wilbur Wright's "Aviation Experiment" (1901: first edition)

It is a record of the glider flight experiment for power flight by the light brother who succeeded in the world's first power flight.

Robert H. Goddard's "Development of Liquid Fuel Promotion Rocket" (1936: first edition), a report that developed a liquid fuel rocket and succeeded in launching in 1926, promotes liquid fuel as a mainstream of contemporary space rockets and It is getting.

The tenth theme is "electromagnetic field"

James Clarke Maxwell's "Mechanical Theory of Electromagnetic Fields" (1865: first edition). I concluded that light is a type of electromagnetic wave.

Hendrik Lorenz 's "Maxwell' s Electromagnetism and Its Application to the Moving Body" (1893: first edition) thought that the only medium of electromagnetic phenomena was an independent non - material ether, but substance independent entities The concept of the electromagnetic field as established has been established.

The eleventh field is "atom / nuclear"

"About the new kind of radiation" by Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (1895 - 1896: first edition). Roentgen who was experimenting with the cathode ray found fluorescent barium cyano platinum paper which was located 2 m away.

In this first report and the second report of the discovery, we named the radiation that caused the fluorescence as an unknown substance "X-ray" and released the first X-ray photograph.

Antoine Henri Becquerel's "Study of new properties of substances" (1903: first edition). Bequerel, inspired by X - ray discovery of X - ray, has found that radiation is released spontaneously from uranium.

Pierre Curie, Marie Scrolidowska Curie "About New Radioactive Substances in Pitch Blend" (1898: first edition). Curie and hers discovered that substances contained in pitch blend (bitumen uranium ore) emit a large amount of radiation. It is the discovery of the new element Polonium, the first time the word "radio-active"
I used it.

Max Planck's "Theory of Energy Dispersion Rule of Normal Spectrum" (1900: first edition). Planck, who was studying the problem of sunspot radiation, denied the hypothesis of continuity of energy and submitted a new formula to treat energy as a discontinuous separation amount. The minimum amount of radiant energy is called "quantum" and established quantum theory.

"Study of Radioactive Materials" by Mary Scherdofska Curie (1903: first edition). Curia and his wife, who succeeded in separating polonium, continued their research and discovered a new element with one million times more radioactivity than uranium. I named Radium.

Nagaoka Hentarou "Motion of particle (electron) system showing radiation phenomenon of line and band spectrum" (1904: first edition). While Joseph John Thomson proposed the "grape bread model" as an atomic structure, Nagaoka announced the "Saturn model" in which electrons circle around the nucleus with positively charged circles. Later, Ernest Rutherford's alpha-ray scattering experiment confirmed its correctness.

Elvin Schrodinger's Four Lectures on Wave Dynamics (1928: First Edition). Schrödinger who studied the electron wave starting from de Broglie's material wave establishes the wave dynamics followed by the wave. Granted a definite mathematical corroboration to the quantum theory originated by Planck.

"Electrons, protons, photons, neutrons and cosmic rays" by Robert A. Milikan (1935: first edition)

Measurement of the charge of electrons, which is the largest achievement of Mirican, was accomplished with surprisingly simple experiments of dropping oil droplets in ionized air and measuring speed.

Yukawa Hideki's "About the interaction of elementary particles" (1935: first edition). Probably predicts the existence of a nuclear power "meson" that connects protons and neutrons in nuclei. Yukawa was awarded the Nobel Prize for the first time in Japanese in 1949 by this achievement.

"The effect of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki" of the US strategic bombing mission (1946: first edition)

The experimental effect of the atomic bomb dropped by Hiroshima and Nagasaki is unpredictable to developers and military operations managers, the United States sent a study team immediately after the occupation of Japan took effect, and the damage situation, the state of the explosion etc We are investigating in detail.

The last field is "non-Euclidean geometry".

"On the origin of geometry" by Nikolai Ivanovic Robachevsky (1829 - 1830: first edition). As the incompleteness of Euclidean geometry lurks under the axioms of parallel lines that parallel lines do not intersect, we confirm the possibility of a new geometry "non-Euclidean geometry" starting from the axioms "parallel lines intersect" We have established existence.

In addition, these books are extremely rare and only two sets have been confirmed in the world as far as they are known.

Georg Lehman's "About the hypothesis underlying geometry" (1867: first edition). While the non - Euclidean geometry of Lobachevsky was a concave geometry, Lehman established a non - Euclidean geometry on a convex surface.

An installation by students of Kanazawa Institute of Technology was displayed after a rare book of masterpieces. This is a work called "Falling character".

"Flight of butterflies"

"Collecting and repeating memory"

The exhibition of rare books boasted by Kanazawa Institute of Technology is the third time in Osaka following Kanazawa and Nagoya. It is sure to be overwhelmed by the historical books that have created science. The "books that changed the world" held in Osaka is to be released free of charge at the Grande Osaka Kita-kan tomorrow, November 23, 2015.

in Coverage,   Science, Posted by darkhorse_log