Following Pokemon & Ducko with everyone "Everyone can install Linux" Commentary "Twitch Installs Arch Linux"

Thousands of players send commands and "Pokémon"Or"dark soulTo clear Twitch's popular project, this time everyone install Linux on the live channel "Twitch Installs Arch Linux"Has appeared, and everyone entered a command festival situation has become.

Twitch Installs Arch Linux

The live channel "TwitchInstallsArchLinux" to install Linux can be viewed from the following URL.

TwitchInstallsArchLinux - Twitch

Twitch Installs Arch Linux is a project to install Arch Linux reflecting commands entered by users viewing raw delivery. Commands entered by the user are displayed in the chat box on the right side of the screen, and the most frequently entered commands are counted in the last 5 seconds, reflected in the installation of Arch Linux and executed.

Approximately 1,600 users are watching during article creation, and a large number of commands entered in the chat box are flowing.

It seems to be quite difficult to get together with everyone, and it has been pulled back to Arch Linux distribution selection screen many times.

Twitch Installs Arch Linux starts on October 31st of local time, and distribution broadcasted by November 2 can be confirmed from the following URL.

TwitchInstallsArchLinux - Twitch

"Everyone in Pokemon" took more than two weeks to clear, "Everyone at Dark Soul" took about a month and a half to clear, can you really achieve the installation of a completely different OS from the game .

in Software,   Web Service,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log