A movie that sounds a warning in a society that captures science from a short-term perspective "The War on Science"

It is no exaggeration to say that the science and technology that exists everywhere in our lives make our lives extraordinarily convenient and depend entirely. It is no doubt that it is the science research that has been accumulated from the past, such as contacting on a smartphone, going abroad by airplane, but the organization called AsapSCIENCE is the science research A movie depicting the conflict between science and society as the country is taking a negative attitudeThe War on ScienceWe are alarming against the modern society by disclosing it.

The War on Science - YouTube

The development of science has made human life more and more prosperous. It is a well-known fact that not only the cities where buildings are crowded but also the scientific benefits such as electricity and gas are received even in an area that seems to be a place far apart from science at first glance.

From the second half of the 17th century to the 18th century when the enlightenment thought was mainstreamEnlightenment age, Emphasis was placed on science, which is knowledge based on reason, apart from the religion which had been the mainstream of society until now, and Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton and others introduced major changes in science.

It occurred from the mid 18th century to the 19th centuryIndustrial RevolutionBy introducing machinery, mass production is possible and lead to the development of automobiles.

And with the introduction of electronic devices and the Internet, it became possible to share scientific research and ideas all over the world. Medical and agriculture, which has greatly developed by science, has greatly contributed to the saving of human life.

However, science and society often confront in history. For example, it is famous that many people took criticism because Copernicus's theory that the Earth rotates on its own axis is counter to the Bible when casting the Copernican. The fact that Galileo, who defended the Giant Theory, was convicted at the end of the trial is a good example of the conflict between science and society.

In the United States from the budget problem in 2000 "MeasleskaThe vaccination of the vaccine has been abolished, and in recent years the number of measles patients is increasing. AsapSCIENCE argues that this is also an example of confrontation between science and society.

In ancient Greece, research on the universe was eagerly conducted, but ancient Rome incorporating the city state of Greece did not show great interest in studying things that used Greek's science, He said he invited a visit to destruction.

As far as modern society is concerned, the public budget for scientific research in the UK gradually declines, finally it has fallen to less than 0.5% of the gross domestic product and has become the lowest amount in the past 20 years. In addition, the US government cut NASA's budget for earth science research by $ 300 million (about 36 billion yen). Although these things are not a serious problem at this time, it may have a big impact on future research dealing with past data.

According to AsapSCIENCE, the amount paid for assistance to banks that were in financial trouble by the United States is worth NASA 's budget of 50 years.

NASA 's annual budget is only for a month' s military budget.

In Canada where Conservative leader Stephen Harper served as prime minister, the national library on fisheries science and oceanography was closed and it became a big problem. It seems that you can save the budget by closing the library.

In Canada, the strict attitude to the scientific field has been taken, about 2,500 scientists from public institutions are forced to retire, 90% of the remaining scientists are forbidden to tell others about their research content , 25% of scientists said that there was a notice to change the research content to non-scientific one.

The budget saved by shutting down the science library and resigning researchers is used for research that creates commercial interests, and AsapSCIENCE says "This word sounds fair".

However, Einstein could not even imagine even Einstein that relativity theory would be used for television and GPS when advocating relativity theory. Although the theory of relativity did not produce a profit from a short-term perspective, it is clear that it gained a lot of profit from a long-term perspective. In other words, in the field of science, it takes a very long time to be returned to society.

That is why AsapSCIENCE has expressed opposition to governments and policies that are lightening scientific research, and it is ringing alarm bells through movies.

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log