A CEO is born on Google's automatic driving car project and commercialization approaches

Companies that hold GoogleAlphabet, It is expected that each of our existing internal Google projects will be spun off and reorganized into a new company with broad discretion. Meanwhile, Google's automatic driving car project decided to call the CEO from the outside for spinning offThe Wall Street Journal(WSJ) reports.

Google, an industry veteran appointed to the top of the automobile driver category department - WSJ

Google hires TrueCar's Krafcik to steer auto project

According to WSJ, Google is planning to invite Mr. John Clafick, CEO of Hyundai Automobile North America (Hyundai · America) from 2003 to 2008 as CEO of the automatic driving car project.

Google's automatic driving car project started in 2009,Total 500,000 kilometers in 2012In June 2015 at Mountain View, CaliforniaStart public road testFor example, it is said that the progress of the project is very good for the practical application in 2020. Since such an automatic driving car project requested the CEO, it is expected that a new company will be established in Alphabet to develop a new automatic driving car.

Mr. Clafick, who was standing upright as CEO, studied mechanical engineering at Stanford University, and while studying at MIT, Toyota's efficient manufacturing system "Lean manufacturing methodHe has worked on the development of "specialist in manufacturing process management with a background. In Hyundai Motor, we have achieved record record sales in the past five years when we served as CEO, and succeeded in expanding our market share in the American market.

Google spokeswoman said Mr. Clafick's technical expertise and experience in the automotive industry are particularly valuable in collaborating with many partners to achieve the goal (in an automated driving car project) I said.

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