A surprising movie "Incredible New iPhone Revealed" depicting that the new iPhone is at the forefront of smart evolution

Apple's next-generation smartphone "iPhone 6s"Leak of multiple mobile carriers in GermanyThe prospect of being released on September 18, 2015 is getting stronger. As the release date gets closer, the topics of the latest iPhone are exciting and the movie that shows how great the latest iPhone is amazing has been released.

Incredible New iPhone Revealed - parody - YouTube

"Evolution of smartphone"

People like Apple's design group vice president, Johnny Ive, appeared wearing a black T-shirt. Unlike when I showed up at the recital of iPhone 6, it looks like a lot skinny. Changes can be seen in every part of the face whether it was done with orthopedic surgery though the stubborn whisker growing is still intact. However, there is only a little left of Mr. Ive's figure in seriously talking about the iPhone.

Mr. Ive explained, "When you look at the evolution of smartphones, you can see that the size has increased with performance," explains the transition of smartphones.

And, "We have completed a device that makes smartphone evolution 10 steps ahead" ... ...

What I took out is "FB 607" which made the smartphone the ultimate evolution.

FB 607 seems to be heavy enough to have it, Mr. Ive put FB 607 on the floor even though he was talking.

"FB 607" is a super-large smartphone of 76 × 90 cm and weighs about 51 kg. Lift 160 kg with a bench press, the capacity is 160 TB, which overturns the concept of smart phones so far. I am loading a 9500 GHz CPU that can also be used for president class work.

Instead of fingerprint authentication, it has a palm authentication function.

You can also stop the self-destruct device with the soles of the soles of the feet.

The surprising feature of FB 607 is that there is no problem regarding battery exhaustion.

Battery life is about 58 minutes, but FB 607 runs with gasoline so you do not have to worry about running out of batteries.

When pulling the rope mounted on the side of the main body ... ...

I adopt a completely new starting method that does not use the button to start up.

Another feature is a new style of customer service.

It is said that we will check oil and piping and exchange the transmission just by taking it to the shop you purchased.

With high-class customer support, smartphones protect users from accidents such as ignition.

However, since the intelligence is very high, care should be exercised because it may self get up and stand up by midnight by itself.

FB 607 is the final form of a smartphone.

So, this movie is an American comedian,Todd WomackIt was a parody by Mr. "Stupid Fake Commercials".

in Mobile,   Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log