In what procedure will nuclear missiles with such power as to destroy the world be launched?

BySteve Jurvetson

Although scenes that fire a missile by pushing a button with drama, movie, animation etc. appear, it is surprisingly unknown what kind of procedure the missile will be launched in practice, by all means knowing It is a place I want to get up. I am in Arizona, USATitan Missile MuseumThe missile silos of nuclear missiles are open to the public, and it is possible to actually visit facilities, and movies containing details of the shooting procedure and simulated missile tests are released.

How to Launch a Nuclear Missile - YouTube

The Titan Missile Museum has a missile silo in the basement of about 10 m from the surface of the earth, and two facilities "launch duct" and "control room" are deployed.

When opening a heavy door ......

It is the firing duct that appears.

In the launching duct is "Titan IIIt is a missile system. Titan II was the most powerful missile system introduced in the United States, and in the Cold War era it was said that a 9-megaton hydrogen bomb was loaded.

According to Chuck Pennson, an official of the Titan Missile Museum, the background behind implementing the Titan II is to inform what kinds of disasters the enemy country will face when attacking the United States, and before the stage of attack It seems that it was to stop thinking behaviors that would cause missiles to fire.

Titan II has completely stopped operation, but the launch system is preserved.

After the firing duct, we finally went to the control room.

This is the control room and will demonstrate the state from the explanation of the launch procedure to the actual launch.

When there is a need for launching, the speaker firstly emits "peepy".

Following the sound, a message containing passcode was received wirelessly from the speaker.

Two employees write the received message without missing a single word, and compare each other to see if the message you wrote is correct.

Next, the responsible persons of two persons enter their respective pass codes only knowing themselves and open the withdrawal.

There are seven cards in the drawer.

If the card contains a passcode, if this passcode matches the code previously included in the message received wirelessly, it means that the missile launch command was legitimately issued.

After confirming the order, we will proceed with the launch as instructed. "The staff will insert the key with two people and turn it" will be the launch procedure ... ...

The keyhole is in a remote place, it seems that it is a mechanism that one person can not shoot.

Insert the key at the same time by two people, rotate it, hold that state for 5 seconds. However, it is necessary to insert another key within 2 seconds after one key is inserted.

Finally, if you enter a missile release code with a dial key, you are ready for missile launch. There are six dials with 16 alphabets in the dial key, there are as many as 17 million combinations, only one of them will be a release code to launch a missile. This is also a safety device for the case where the missile launch operation was erroneously performed.

From here you will experience a simulated missile launch. Two people rotate the key at the same time "3, 2, 1 ...... turn key" ......

Wait for 5 seconds as it is. Actually, after inserting the key you need to enter the release code as a dial key.

Then the green lamp "LAUNCH ENABLE" lights up, and the missile is ready to launch. According to Mr. Penson, it seems that it was meant "the beginning of the third world war" when the green lamp turned on.

"BATTERIES ACTIVATED" "APS" one after another the lamp lights up. There is no way to cancel launch when it comes to here.

At the same time the door of the firing duct opens.

A missile is launched while emitting a tremendous amount of smoke and sound.

When the missile is fired, the lamp "LIFT - OFF" lights up.

Mr. Pennson asked, "Do you mean that it means the death of all living creatures on the ground?" Mr. Pennson asked, "It is as you know" answered with a godly look.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log