The remnants of the sound lost in "irreversible compression" of MP3 turned out to be an eerie ghost sound

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The file size is small, and it is widely used as a format that you can enjoy music easilyMP3Although it is music data of the form, it is a well-known story that sound quality is being sacrificed in exchange for ease. MP3 lightens the data size by thinning the components of the soundLossy compressionIt is a file format that adopted, but there should be few people who have heard only the components that were actually thinned out. I tried restoring "remnants" by such compression in its own way, and found out that it was quite an eerie "ghost sound".

All the ghostly sounds that are lost when you compress to mp3

I did this workRyan Patrick MaguireIs a person who somewhat doubts that MP3 popularized in the 1990s is still mainstream. We analyzed what the components of the sound lost by compression were, we processed the successfully extracted sounds lightly and created the following mysterious tracks.

MoDernisT_v2 on Vimeo

It is a truck that makes us feel ecstatic but even nothing to say "frankness", but it became this original songSuzanne VegaFamous song "Tom's DinerCompared to listening comprehension, I will remember a little surprise in that difference.

Tom's Diner (original a cappella version) - YouTube

People who are surprised by the difference between listening and compare the two, and also people who thought "There are few unexpectedly thinned sounds", I think that the impression varies from person to person, but know the original song Even people who are listening to the first track should have few people who were able to tell the songs. Actually, although it seems that processing such as reverb and the like is applied to the component of the sound after extraction, it is interesting content that you do not usually hear.

In addition to this, Maguire also uses a test tone for checking and verifying the change of sound by MP3 conversion and publishing it on his own blog. Among them, since the raw sounds thinned out by the above "Toms Diner" are also made public, this should be interesting as well.

The Ghost in the MP3

Firstly from the change of sound by MP3 compression. What is chosen as a material is noise noise that is often used for sound quality checking, and among themPink noise·White noise·Brown noiseThe following comparison sound source was created by arranging the three types in sequence.

The visualization of the sound component as a graph is as followsSpectrum analyzer(Spainer) screen. Although the upper part of the graph shows the treble, if you actually check the change while listening to the sound, you should be able to realize how the treble gradually decreases and what the graph means.

And the noise that compressed the noise sound source with MP3 at the lowest rate "8 kbps" is the following sound. Unnatural noise that can not be heard at all by the original sound occurs and you can see well that the sound is degraded to the level before the sound quality preamp.

The screen of the Sparena looks something like this. For the sake of data capacity saving, you can see how the sound above 6 kHz is cut off with a fangs.

The following sounds compared the "Toms Diner" I listened at the beginning. First of all, it becomes the original sound here.

The original sound source is compressed by MP3 compression at 128 kbps. It sounds like the sound was slightly crisp and cramped compared to the original sound. Some people may say that "the treble is clear and the sound is improved".

And this track extracted tones thinned out by compression. As you can imagine unexpectedly the elements of the song are felt, you can see that a considerable part has been omitted from the original song. Conversely, it seems to be said that you can even feel the high performance of MP3 that you can enjoy as much as music even if you just thin out the sound.

And, it was the track that I listened to at the beginning, also applied some processing to this "ghost sound" and emphasized the ghost feeling further.

As you can see, the analysis by Maguire made it possible to feel an interesting sound secret.

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log