P2P is expected to be used for Windows Update on Windows 10


Microsoft's new OS expected to be released in the second half of 2015 "Windows 10"Turned out to be a promise to use the peer-to-peer (P2P) method for Windows Update data supply.

Windows 10: Future updates can be delivered via P2P

Here is the screen of Microsoft's new OS that Neowin got. Although it shows the setting screen of the method of downloading Windows Update, you can see that under the red underlined part, the item "Get updates from one place" is displayed. Also, at the bottom, items that allow you to get updates "from the PC on the Internet" in addition to your local network are lined up.

Neowin found this setting screen on Windows 10 build 10036. I noticed that this item was placed deep inside the hierarchy of OS setting items.

In the case of Windows Update, which is provided on a regular basis, it is hard to imagine that many accesses are concentrated on Microsoft's server each time, which is considered to be a certain burden to Microsoft. In order to alleviate such a load, we adopted the P2P method, which is a reasonable method.

Besides this, it turns out that it is possible to set transparent display on the "start" menu for Windows 10 ......

Windows 10 10036: Updates to the Start menu - transparency and beyond

In the following article, it is possible to see some screen images of the new browser "Spartan".

Microsoft's new browser, Spartan, gets detailed in a plethora of new images

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log