"Cinematic Table Flips" which gathered all the scenes of "Chabobashi return" in the movie

Shabu-bashiSpeaking of animation "Star of the Giant"Scenes where Star Tetsu stays over food that is on meal during meal is famous, but scenes that overturn desks and tables on which objects are listed even in movies other than Japan often appear. So, from the silent movie published in the 1920's to the present age, the only thing that cut out the scenes of the scenes in the movie was collected as "Cinematic Table Flips"is.

Cinematic Table Flips on Vimeo

Men walking straight away


This is the "Cinematic Table Flips" that gathered the scenes of the scenes that appeared in the movie just as if it were Dashan. The first one depicts the success of the weak baseball team released in 1994Angels"was.

It is the reason to vandalize the writer's house invited to the house from kindness "Clockwork 's Orange". Here also the sukuba return was made.

This time a man giving a shout.

Turning over the table that was playing cards and card games isBill and Ted's great adventureOne act at.

This man ......

First of all I will sweep away the objects on the desk.

Afterwards I returned to the room. "Fantastic Mr. FOX"It was a slightly modified version.

Director Luc Besson's "96 hours"

People in a panic on the suddenly returned cabbage.

movies"pulp fictionA scene in which the adult who betrayed the organization at the time is collected.

Here the table is returned lightly.

It is the reason why the desk is turned over with an angry heartDie Hard"

"Citizen KaneBut the table was peeked up and down.

Silent movie released in 1927The King of KingsBut the table was already overturned already. The history of the movie may have been with Shabu - bashi.

There was also a Japanese movie. Miki Nakatani and Hiroshi Abe 's "Musical poetryFrom.

A superb shabby table return.

This time my wife tries to prevent her husband from getting back to the table ... ...

It was impossible.

Every wife turns over ......

I was glued to tatami when I tried to turn the cabbage, turning over tatami mats.

"Mighty Saw"...

A long table like a rich meal will be turned upside down.

"Money ball"Brad Pid in a calm state ......

I suddenly refreshed and returned to the cabinet.

"Atelier with only PollockThe table floating up in the group floats up.

A lot of dishes that slide down.

The swept table rises upside down.

"Robin Hood AdventureBut it also returns to the crowd of excitement.

"Peter Pan"Than.

Captain hook shout out.

Shabu-babe that turns over with Gata. Even in anime it is alive.

"TitanicBut Chabu-bou.

A splendid Shabu-bashi as if dancing is "splice"

"Take shelterWhen the Shabu-babe turns over at one place ......

I made a big brawl in no time.

In Iwate every year "Shabu-dai Return World Convention"Has been done.

Shabu-dai with cries of the heart World competition in Iwate - YouTube

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log