The malice that overflows over the Internet changes drastically with one bottle

Many people do comments and actions that easily hurt other people because they can not see the other's face on the Internet. It is caught in the movie that malignant overflowing on the Internet changes dramatically into a happy one at a stroke from a few chance.

Official Coca-Cola "Big Game" Commercial 2015 # MakeItHappy - YouTube


As I was wondering what I was typing, I was typing abuse on others.

On the Internet you can communicate with a variety of people without looking directly at the other's face, so you can say bad things more easily than in the real world, perhaps a feeling of guilt is light.

Not only do you write bad things in comments, some people do stupid acts using other things like movies and pictures.

If such malice is aimed at myself ...... It may take actions like a man in a photo.

The scene changes and here is an internet server.

What a person who seems to be an administrator of the server holds in his hand ...

One Coca-Cola.

Placing this in the rack of the server ...


I spilled the Coke with Bashan.

Unfortunately, it seems she spilled a cola in a place where there was a hole for improving ventilation.

Impersonating administrator.

However, the electronic equipment that is already in a cold spiritedly late.

Then, the spark suddenly scattered ... ...

A mysterious light glittering like carbonic bubbles and sparks gathered.

There are countless numbers of 0s and 1s being processed in the server, forming a logo as seen somewhere.

From myriad code connected to the server ......

Two lights went down to the city.

The scene changes again, and this place is like a school where a lot of PCs were placed. Although I do each of my favorite things on the PC ... ...

The screen of all PCs has been hijacked by Coca-Cola.

In general households infiltrate via Wi - Fi router ......

Something is going to happen.

A couple looking like they have not noticed the incidents that are occurring on Wi - Fi routers.

The two were PCs and I was watching the uncle's movie that started fighting during the interview.

This screen is jacked for a moment ... ...

When noticing the two old mans in the movie were playfully funny.

A smile also spills from this viewer's side.

Next, when a woman sitting in alone is seen at the bus stop ......

The advertisement bulletin board of the bus stop was jacked to Coca-Cola ......

It changed to "WE GOT THIS (everyone knows)".

In addition, what reached the boy is ...

Too cold comment that "Does anyone like you a thing?"

This comment is also made by Coca-Cola ......

It was a warm message saying "There is no other person like you."

This movie is America's largest sports eventSuper bowlTVCM of Coca-Cola who flowed in between TV broadcasts of. Coca-Cola also has a #MakeItHappy campaign called "Let's make Happy on the Web" with the movie, which is currently expanding in progressive form, involving many civilians and celebrities. On Twitter#makeithappy's recent tweetsThere have been many posts, and it seems to be able to see a happy smile of various people.

Coca-Cola # MakeItHappy

Also, besides the CM of Coca-Cola, many CMs are flowing in the super bowl relay, for example, the Microsoft's CM was as follows.

Microsoft Super Bowl Commercial 2015: Estella's Brilliant Bus - YouTube

Microsoft Super Bowl Commercial 2015: Braylon O'Neill - YouTube

Besides, in the year 2015 super bowl relay broadcasting CM total of 64, from the following pages all 64 can be watched.

AdBlitz 2015 - YouTube

in Video,   Food, Posted by logu_ii