Author who becomes the public domain after the copyright disappears in 2015 such as "the little prince" and "cry" is summarized

CopyrightThe copyright (copyright property right) excluding the moral rights of the author is protected after the death of the author in many countries such as the United States and Japan, although the author is protected even after the death of the author and it can not duplicate or publicly transmit it When it passes, it can be extinguished and it can be reproduced and distributed freelyPublic domain (public)It will be attributed to. It will look like this when summarizing famous authors who will become public domain newly from January 1, 2015, when the year has passed.

Class of 2015 | The Public Domain Review

Wassily Kandinsky(Russia · 1866-1944)

Wassily Kandinsky is a painter who is regarded as "the founder of abstract paintings", and his masterpiece is "Improvisation Valley"

Edvard Munch(Norway - 1863 - 1944)

Unknown "Cry"Edvard Munch is famous for. In the later years with Rimasa Rousseau he said that he was away from the world in a self-sufficiency life.

Edith Sitwell(Italy · 1887-1964)

Edith Sitwell, a poet, was directing a "fickle female" with beautiful proportions and exotic costumes, but the challenging work of incorporating the rhythm of music into poetry is said to be "awkward craftsmanship" and is high I am getting an evaluation.

Piet Mondrian(Netherlands · 1872-1944)

Piet Mondrian is an early painter who painted authentic abstract paintings, a style called "cold abstraction" contrasting with "hot abstraction" Kandinsky.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry(France · 1900-1944)

A masterpiece of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry with the count of the Ear, that "The Little Prince" The Little Prince - Original version: Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de Saint-Exup'ery, Naito Ryu: Books

Rachel Carson(USA · 1907-1964)

Rachel Carson is a biologist who raised environmental problems as early as the 1960s, and his main work focused on harmful pesticidesSilent Spring" The Spring of Silence (Shincho Bunko): Rachel Carson, Aoki Yuichi: Books

Felix Nusbaum(Germany · 1904-1944)

SurrealismFelix Nusbaum known for its style. The masterpiece "Alassio railway station" expresses sorrow for Nazi's persecution. Nussbaum discovered in German soldiers in 1944AusherwitzHe passed away at the age of 39 and passed away.

Filippo Tomaso Marinetti(Italy · 1876-1944)

Filippo · Thomaso · Marinetti who was active as a poet of symbolism in France, but later entered the world of politics "Fascist ManifestoAnnounced.MussoliniHe became a powerful supporter and led the fascism movement.

Glenn Miller(America · 1904-1944)

Trombone player Glenn Miller said "Swing jazzRepresentative of. I joined the Army Air Corps and led a congratulatory orchestra, but he disappeared over the British Strait.

Flannery O'Connor(USA · 1925-1964)

Flannery O'Connor, known as a master of short stories,There are not many good people"Clever blood"Is a representative work.

Ian Fleming(UK · 1908-1964)

James BondIan Fleming, famous as the creator of the act, acts as a spy during the Second World War. It seems that the experience at this time will be put to use in many works of "007" later.

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