Headline news on November 12, 2014

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:08 Nov 12, 2014, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

As a new product of Japan Acer's thin-type large screen notebook "Aspire E" series "ES 1 - 512 - F 14 D / F"ES1-512-F14DWe will sell it from Friday, November 14. The screen size is 15.6 type, the OS is Windows 8.1 with Bing, the assumed price is around 38,000 yen.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

I tried using a blanket "human sleeping bag fleece" wearing a human type covering completely from head to toe - GIGAZINE

"All-time best novel 100" selected by Amazon's achievement in Japan announced - GIGAZINE

The International Space Station infects malware via USB memory brought in from outside - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
Kobayashi Pharmaceutical name that seems to be attached when euthanasia medicine comes out

As the water purifier fraud said "Because water quality survey is possible, please put water in the cup", the result of providing Volvic in the cup wwwwwwwwwww:

【There is image】 Miss International Japan representative wwww: OP2 bulletin

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Moss: Amazing ingredients, the power to kill users as well as medicine - Mainichi Shimbun

An international team announced the origins of insects "80 million older than established": Asahi Shimbun Digital

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Jetstar emergency landing From Fukuoka to Kanko - YouTube

Jetstar from Fukuoka to Kansai emergency landing in Emergency Kansai. It happened to meet -. It is a bit long, the orientation of the picture is also a mess. Because it is night, the focus does not match - too. Please enjoy with sound alone. It is not training.

Total of 10 billion yen Japanese Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Shimano Seisakusho, Appealing Apple Inc. Do not be serious because it is "subcontractor" There is a fight that can not be defeated absolutely | blind spot of economy | modern business [Kodansha]

It is said that Tim Cook, who became the CEO in '11, created a mechanism to press down risks for weak subcontractors.

"Tim Cook is not an artist like Jobs, he is a man who has wielded professional skills as a procurement manager at a large company like Compaq or IBM. If Jobs is the sun, Cook is the moon. Jobs admire the world all over Behind making products of such designs, he has played a role like a shadow of procuring it from component manufacturers all over the world at the expense of its costs, saying "the world's best acrobatic company" It is a person who made a good Apple. "(Mr. Goto)

Watami store closure 102 stores during the current fiscal year NHK News

Fujifilm will return over 200 billion yen to shareholders in 3 years, buy 50 billion yen own shares annually | Reuters

Abigan, as Ebola treatment medicine international approval also at the new year = Fuji Film | Reuters

As early as the Japanese market started "preeminent LDP victory by dissolution general election" or "delayed consumption tax increase", either preliminary or preliminary: market situation kabu full force 2 stories

Why is Obama's major defeat good news for the Abe government? Three Republican senators to powerful reinforcements: JBpress (Japan Business Press)

Juvenile group sent for alleged fight - NHK Metropolitan area NEWS WEB

New Authority Committee Newly Established, Pursuit of Accuracy and Reliability: Society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Tokio Marine Auto Insurance 180,000 Excluded for 1 Year / Supervising Responsibility Manager Legislative / Daimon pursued by the Financial Services Agency

"Ah-han Book" Exhibition in South Korea Appealed Congress to Legislators at National Diet Library - Sponichi Annex Society

Is Hong Kong's demo "illegal act"? Thinking from social contract theory and common low (Takahashi): China · Emerging countries · Overseas news & columns | KINBRICKS NOW (Kim Brix · Now)

"Destroy a fishing boat if you return" Chinese authorities to coral poaching: International: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Russia agreed to build eight nuclear reactors in Iran NHK News

Middle and aged rider fatal accident, double in 10 years: society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

Kiss students at home, another student and sex act ... Discipline Removal: Society: Yomiuri Shimbun (YOMIURI ONLINE)

South Korea is in a hurry, "No way Japan-China summit meet!" | Original | Toyo Keizai online | Business site for new generation leaders

Yoshida report coverage "Reported fair and accurate attitude" Coverage and human rights committee: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Apology of incorrect content posting on Moss Burger's store setting blackboard | Official site of Mos Burger

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Column: Greeting is "sexual harassment" | Column | Reuters

A video showing the appearance of a woman walking all day in New York City is becoming a topic on the net. The reason is that this woman received sexual harassment on the street for over 100 times in total of 10 hours.

Gender uniform exchange: 299 people at the high school challenge Yamanashi - Mainichi Newspaper

Painful news (No ∀ `): Collegiate co-op is a mass order misdemeanor of Pocky → Call for purchase support at SNS → nearly 100 times sales ordinary - livedoor blog

Keep playing in amusement parks in the Kansai area too much: Leisure time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking News - Livedoor blog

【2ch】 New speed quality: 【Image】 "Information gathering technique" that Akira Ikegami spoke is too terrible wowrota wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

"You, you fat," is power hara telling your subordinates? Points to be aware of at workplace statements | Lawyers dot com news

Even if Watami who knows because it is former store manager Watami withdraws from 102 stores, the burden of employees will not change anything sad. - LaoStyle

One whole banizuwai crab meal in Toyama prefecture Uozu city this year as well: Asahi Shimbun Digital

What books can not be bought by book off? - Excite Bit connector (1/3)

I got an annual income of over 103,000 bytes, but I did not think it was going to be such a big deal: spare time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking News - livedoor blog

Truffle: the world's largest? ... 1.4 km, found in northern Italy - Mainichi Newspapers

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
SMS trouble with transfer from iPhone, Apple faces litigation | Reuters

This plaintiff raised a class action lawsuit (class action), claiming that there was a lack of explanation about the blocking of the reception of countless messages when the iPhone user switches to a terminal other than Apple .

How to make FINAL FANTASY Record KeeperFromDena_study

Reporters' Eye - the reporter tried "BadUSB" and froze: ITpro

Let's examine the mystery of a big pandemic "Ganbareru!" On Twitter - Ekirebi! (1/3)

Emotional analysis of real-time search upgrades - Yahoo! Search Staff Blog

Summary of SSL 3.0 invalidation timing in major browsers | WWW WATCH

Let's prepare your app for Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 - Google Developer Japan Blog

New feature in online design tool Picky-Pics! ~ New settlement ~ (Fenrir | Developer's blog)

Aichi) Nagoya University Library, to the shelves with a smartphone Directions: Asahi Shimbun Digital

【LINE】 Prior to the Android, a map application "LINE Maps for Indoor" specializing in navigation within commercial facilities such as shopping malls and department stores

Desktop PC of this 870,000 yen wwwwwwwww

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Three Types Existing in TV Animation - Statistical Analysis of Popularity of Animation - | Atelier | Data Artist

Veteran Ganota's I will explain Ganota by type - Golden Times

Finally reviewed "Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth" thoroughly. The latest work of the popular series is a story of the development of the planet unfolded at the end of the universe - 4Gamer.net

Read what you want to say to Monhan and Pazdra. Recent Game Design - Gee - Otaku 's Fictional Discourse Diary

The title of the book, why it is getting longer Why: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Ingles is introduced at NHK. "New sense game that fuses fantasies and reality" - Togetter Summary

Intimidating threatening to women in the game industry, overheating "gamercat" controversy picture 1 international news: AFPBB News

【Movie】 3DCG × technique of manga artist! What is the drawing system of "Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt"? / Yasuo Otagaki interview (the first part) - Commisun (comic soon)

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
8 professional baseball FA players public notice NHK news

Toriya (33), a mystery popular major fighting struggle: Nanjei stadium @ N J summary

I will make a summary site for baseball !!: Hiroshima expects a synergistic effect on returning to Arai "Competition with young people"

22 years Qatar World Cup, returning to the venue is rich? FIFA president condemns the organization chairperson "I believe it is permitted if only money" | Football channel | Football information packed!

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
(PDF file)"Apple Katgen" Region limited release in Hokkaido [1491 KB]

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Headline news on 11th November 2014 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt