Things you can upload over 300 GB to Amazon's "Prime Photos" that can store photos indefinitely

Amazon for prime membersPrime Photos free of charge / capacity unlimited photo storage serviceIt was started. If the capacity is really unlimited, people who take a lot of pictures can get a good backup destination, but are there limitations on the number of files to save? Can you save RAW images as well as JPEG images properly , Hiram Software uploaded and confirmed the file of 300 GB or more which points you are concerned about the use such as whether movie files are mixed even if it is OK.

Amazon Prime Photos: Impressions after 300 GB | Hiram Software Blog

Hiram Software is a consulting group to help business strategy and product development at start-up. When I heard the start of Prime Photos, it seems that I decided to try "I'm going to check how long it will be used first." The point I minded about my blog is the following 5 points.

· 1:Can you upload not only JPEG images but also RAW images?
· 2:Is Cloud Drive saving in its original state?
· 3:How many pictures can be stored? Is it reliable enough as one of the backup destination options?
·Four:Can I save the contents of my smartphone and my wife's smartphone in the same account?
·Five:Does it work well with existing backup system?

Uploading all the photos (JPEG image, RAW image, movie file) photographed on the most recent journey using the web browser, because there is no Windows PC in hand environment and there is no software / application for Mac.

In this process, some files failed to upload. At this time, although an error message is displayed and you know which file name failed to be upgraded, even if there are multiple subfolders in the folder selected when uploading, only the file name is displayed, so "Which Is it a file saved in a folder? "It is a difficult point to understand. I'd like you to "display full path for re-uploading".

If duplication of file name occurs, a dialog will be displayed asking whether to overwrite or skip like this.

◆ 1: RAW image can also be uploaded
There were 15 movie files, 1500 RAW images and 2500 JPEG images in the uploaded folder, but RAW images could be saved to Prime Photos without problems. According to Hiram Software, the Prime Photos document contained content such as "RAW image can not be saved", so he actually tried it.

◆ 2: The same as the original file is saved
This is a pretty big point, but when I checked the name, file size, and hash value of the file saved in Prime Photos, it was the same as the original one.

There are various services such as Amazon S3, Dropbox, Flickr, iCloud, iPhoto etc. that you can save pictures online, but files are slightly different from original ones. There are various reasons, such as deleting file size, adding / deleting metadata, protecting personal information. Even if metadata is added or deleted when it is open for viewing by everyone, it is not a problem if you are going to save the file, what will be changed arbitrarily It is troubling, in that respect Prime Photos can be said to be superior to other services.

◆ 3: The number of sheets to be stored is "unlimited"
Hiram Software does not upload infinite photos, so it can not be said that it is "bottomless", but since it seems that even if you uploaded at least 350 GB of files, it did not catch up with the limit on the number of cards, so far "Unlimited number of cards It seems to be said that it can be said that it is.

Looking at the letters under the graph, it is "84,883 Photos 339.6 GB Free" and 340 GB of photos can be saved for free.

However, because of uploading via AJAX via a browser, there is a weak point that the upload hangs up in 30 minutes, so my blogger opens 5 tabs at the same time and uploads in parallel, and in Greasemonkey I wrote the script and continued to refresh the cookie on the other tab.

Since uploading speed is about half of that when using Amazon S3, it is "high speed", but if it is the purpose of backing up all the photo collections it may be tough. There is also the hang-up problem mentioned above, there is also the aspect that it can not leave completely, and I have not reached the level that I recommend to my friends yet. "Complete solutions are safe to forget even after setting," leaving comments to expect from future improvements.

◆ 4: The contents of two smartphones can be backed up to the same account
When the author of the blog installed the application on the principal and the wife's smartphone respectively and uploaded the data to the same account, it was able to successfully save and see the pictures of each other.

◆ 5: Since it is not possible to synchronize with other devices, there is a problem with downloading
There is no problem with saving the contents as a backup if it is one way of "uploading", but since you can not "sync" the set up and down as a set, you can not back up the master file It seems that it is still premature to do it.

By the way, "When you register for Amazon Cloud Drive you get 5 GB of free storage, Amazon Prime members can now use Prime Photos with unlimited capacity", so if you quit Prime Members, the free storage returns to 5 GB I will. In that case, despite canceling the registration of the prime member, the capacity over part is not deleted, but only the message that "becoming a prime member and get unlimited storage" comes out only .

It seems to be quite useful service at present, but is there a provision in Japan ...?

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt