Finally could a new animated image format replacing GIF be born?

X Window SystemDesktop environment that works on "GNOME"Jasper St. Pierre, a developer of the new animated image format that turns into GIF"XNGIt is possible to develop by developing GIF animation which has been used for a long time.

XNG: GIFs, but better, and also magical | Clean Rinse

GIF is suitable for simple animation, but the LZW compression format is a bit older, and the number of colors in the color palette is limited to 256 colors. For animation formats other than GIFAPNGYaMngAlthough it has, there is no way to satisfy the user, such as limited browser to support.

In order to change that situation, Mr. Pierre developed a new animation format called "XNG". XNG does not have restrictions on color palettes like GIF, it is an excellent one that works on browsers that are currently writing articles. It also does not require new tags such as "canvas" or "video" and does not require a JavaScript library.

Furthermore, XNG can operate without enabling JavaScript. When Pierre tested with Firefox or Chrome, there is no problem in the operation and it is OK if you embed "img src =" myanimation.xng "" like other images.

※ There is a possibility that images are not displayed on the mobile browser.

This is an image of XNG that Pierre has published on the official blog.

I feel more color than GIF.

I tried displaying it even in Chrome and it was displayed without any problem.

The image sharing site's "ImgurStarted the service to convert the uploaded animated GIF file into gifv format MP4 movie, Twitter was postedConvert GIF file to MP4 and display itIt may be that the time when the animated GIF disappears from the Internet is approaching.

However, it turned out that the XNG file is simply sending an SVG animation to the SVG file, the Base64 encoded JPEG image by the data URI scheme. Just because I just listed Base64-encoded JPEG images, it's hard to say that XNG is suitable for practical use, because the file size is considerably larger than the GIF file, it seems difficult to replace GIF is.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log