What kind of reaction will people show when hacking the urban system with smartphones and making the city ugly?

What kind of reactions do customers see if you install an application that can hack urban systems on your own smartphone that you have repaired, change signals or steal a car with that smartphone? Dokkiri movies that filmed the section start and end were "AMAZING STREET HACK"is. As your smartphone was remodeled without permission, the reaction of the visitor who appears pale appearing as a police officer is a must-see.


It is the repair shop of smartphone and electronic equipment that becomes the stage of the dockyrie.

This funny guy who is laughing happily is the current gimmick.

I started signing a sign and launching it.

One male came to visit "I have a problem with my smartphone" asking for repair.

Subsequently entered, men who are in trouble with broken smartphones are also targeted.

"We will repair a bit behind, so please wait," a trainee to tell the customer.

A woman waiting still for repair.

This man is preparing his hair and waiting for the trainee to come back.

"It's safe to repair, I was installing a special application after repairing it," he said, telling the customers.

A target male laughs half laughing when the app is installed arbitrarily.

The couple here is an apology saying "Thank you!" And thanking the gimmick.

The gimmick says, "This app is amazing - from now on I hack into the urban system and I will erase the store's electricity so please look at it." Tell the target ...

Just tap the display to turn off the light.

When the tipping person taps the smartphone again ......

Electricity is on, and the target is amazing for this.

This woman is still not trusting the trimmer.

The gimmick says, "This is not a great place in this application, it's not only! Go out and show more amazing places!" Take the target out.

Tap the display, saying "Please look carefully at the lights on the side of the road" outside the shop entrepreneur.

Then the lights scattered sparks and disappeared.

Women also scream unexpectedly to this.

All the lights on the side of the road are gone, it is pitch dark.

A man who is taken for a moment.

This man is not acknowledging the tragedy that is coming from now, and acknowledges that "I am the best app I have ever seen!"

When the tapping person taps the display of the smartphone, what is going to happen this time?

The tail lamp of the car parked in front of you suddenly blinks.

When the target reached out, the door of the car opened.

People tap again to tackle that the target has completely pulled.

Then, all the cars parked on the road are unlocked.

As far as to say "Really!", Surprising target.

Women are drawn.

What on earth do you do this time?

When the trapee operates the smartphone, bills pop out from ATM.

Target to lose words.

From here it is the actual turn of the sea. When the trainee says, "The customer actually operates this time, please tap towards the signal, the color of the signal will change," invites the target to the path of evil.

The target is terribly tapping the display ... ....

All signals change to blue.

A man who can not believe what happened in front of me.

Before the eyes of the rising star and the target, the car collides with the fact that the signal becomes all blue.

The target was hugged and stuck up.

Two cars crash even in different places.

The cars hit each other and the road panicked.

A male is hooked at an unexpected happening.

A woman has a look that "has become a serious thing".

A worker at the construction site approaches the automobile that caused the accident.

Here one police car arrived.

The gimmick talks to a woman who shows an uneasy look, "I am OK, leave it to me with peace of mind," and I will show you all the crime wearing.

However, the trainee informed the police officer, "This woman is the culprit, this person stole my smartphone from my shop and messed up the town," I betrayed the target.

A man who roars his voice like "I am not me!" As a matter of course.

The couple insists on innocence, "It is not good for us to steal smartphones." The woman is in panic.

This man was questioned as a police officer, "You did it?", Suddenly speaking only Chinese, despite being speaking English earlier.

The target that shows the expression as if I gave up already.

The woman is about to start crying.

A policeman will show off his smartphone to the target which in some way will try to get out of this situation.

On a smartphone the policeman showed up as a target, the message "What you have experienced at the moment is what you actually can do in the game" Watch Dogs "was displayed. This time, this game is a game for PlayStation 4 scheduled to be released in Japan on June 26, 2014 "watch dogsThat's why it was promotion.

The target that I saw the message is "Oh, Watch Dogs ...... Is not it cool?" It seems she finally swallowed the situation.

A woman freed from the nightmare of the past has been laughing in spite.

A man who bursts laughing at an unexpected civilization.

Meanwhile, this man continued to pretend to be unable to speak English even though he showed a message.

in Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log