Google is already developing the next generation version of Google Glass

If the open beta test is started and you are a resident in the United States over the age of 18Anyone can purchase a beta versionIt is designed to be Google Glass. We have not reached the sale of the finished version yet, but it seems that Google is already working on the next version of Google Glass development.

Quartz Light Electricity Google Glass Eyeglass Second Generation; Love Do De 1 Million G Flow Expense Feed - Older Jin Jing Signal: jiweinet

Report: 2nd Generation Of Google Glass Already In The Works

The specification, price, formal name etc. of the next-generation Google Glass are unknown,Crystal-OptechAccording to Kong Wenjun of Google, it is already in the early stages of next-generation Google Glass development and it is offering Crystal-Optech's products. However, in order to avoid future plans to leak to the media, Google seems to make it not having a direct relationship with Crystal-Optech.

First generation Google Glass can deliver higher resolution images using advanced and advanced silicon technology than liquid crystal displaysLCOS, But Google purchased LCOS from Crystal-Optech via a brokerJinwei Jin Signal: jiweinetI'm telling you.

In addition, Google Glass currently open beta test is scheduled to be sold in 2014.

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log