A movie collection `` Mustang Wanted '' full of moments where a person with height phobia is likely to stop the heart just by watching

If you look at the ground from a high place, even if you are surely from a safe place, your heart will be buzzing, but in such an ultra-high place, one man equipped with GoPro climbs up and there is no lifeline on the stick ' Mustang Wanted ' is a movie that shoots a desperate movie that is likely to turn into a

lower body just by watching it, such as crossing over or hanging from a cliff.

Mustang Wanted

This is a movie with a warning that 'elderly people should not watch'. Since the original movie has 720p quality, it is recommended to play it in full screen when viewing it on a PC.

Mustang Wanted Compilation # 2-YouTube

The man standing on the edge of the building rooftop ...

Hold the woman as a princess and rotate around.

Both of them smile at the rooftop of a building that is significantly higher than the surrounding buildings and apartments, while outside the fence.

The role of a bald man is always climbing to a dangerous place.

I am slowly panning a stick with a camera that looks heavy at a very high altitude. The surrounding friends cannot open their eyes.

For some reason, I am barefoot walking on the fence. You can guess how high you are from the size of the surrounding buildings.

Just looking at the moment when it is a little slowed down, my heart is sharpening ...

Jump on a running train. The landing point is slightly behind, and it will definitely fall if it moves violently like a scene in a movie.

Next is a tightrope walk from a high point on the water on an iron fence. You can see scenes in the movie where it was saved because it was water even if it fell from a height ...

Hanging on the side of the building, this is another action movie.

When the scene changed, I took out a skateboard on the roof without the fence.

Try riding on the edge of the end ...

It is a hard level to see even if you do not have height phobia from around here, such as sliding on the edge.

Also, for some reason, I get naked and walk on a tightrope.

After that, it is hanging with one hand from the cliff. If you think, 'Isn't it cold ...?'

The excitement of climbing high places not only makes the cold forget, but also suddenly starts a jump. At this height, just jumping would take a lot of courage.

In order to set the heart of a man's heart, he grabs one hand like this with a thin stick and pokes his head ...

You can tell that you have an outstanding spirit when you change music.

Walking on the iron fence, which should be slippery due to the snow, is also smooth, and not only is the liver in place but also has a great sense of balance.

I will show you how much you can dance in a super high place.

The screen changed, and what was projected was a particularly large building.

Stands on a small stick at the top of an impossibly high height.

Changing the camera viewpoint looks like this. By the way, there is no place to grab or scaffold on the back side.

Half of his feet are thrown into the air on the tower ...

Some of the colleagues sitting sideways cover their eyes with food. Yes, this should be a normal response.

According to the website, 'We assert that we take these photos and movies under the guidance of professional stunts and do not wish to mimic or attempt to perform any activity on this website. Don't manage these stunts even if you think you'll succeed! '

In addition, since other movies are uploaded in large quantities to the website, those who like thrilling videos can see as much as you like from the following.

Mustang Wanted

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log