A back door is found in the "Galaxy series" that allows you to browse and delete data
Open source OS for Android smartphone "ReplicantDevelopers, Samsung Electronics smart phone "Galaxy series"We found that a program that enables reading, writing and deleting of files stored on smartphones is installed.
Replicant developers find and close Samsung Galaxy backdoor - Free Software Foundation - working together for free software

SamsungGalaxyBackdoor - Replicant
According to Replicant developers, to run the OSApplication processorIncorporated inProprietary program, But in the file systemI / O operationIt is equipped with a backdoor that makes it possible to execute it remotely. This proprietary program is mainly embedded in Samsung's smartphone "Galaxy series", so it seems that the modem makes it possible to delete and delete files inside the smartphone.
The back door revealed this time makes it possible to view the data in the terminal even when the modem is located in a remote place that can not directly access the storage area of the smartphone. Although Replicant developers do not give a clear name, on some smartphones, the proprietary program has the right to access the user's personal information.

ByChris Dlugosz
The developer of Replicant says, "The presence of such a backdoor attempts to establish a profit by distributing software by limiting the user's rightsProprietary software"The owner of the" Galaxy Series "says that Samsung Electronics should ask for explanation.
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