I tried 'Funabashi no Funabachi Source Ramen no Negai!'

Speaking of Funassy, ​​appearances in red and white singing fightFiguresI made it collaborate.PretzAlthough it has been taken up in various places to cause social phenomena such as being sold, this time collaborating with ramen "Funabashi no Funabashi Source ramen None!"When"Funassy's Funabashi Source Ramen Tate Big Nee!"Is on sale from March 10 (Monday). Funabashi 's local funabashi city ramen "sauce ramen" was cup noodles and I wanted to try it once, so I bought it.

Sapporo Ichiban | Product Information - Sapporo Funabashi Funabashi Funabashi Source Ramen None!

Sapporo Ichiban | Product Information - Sapporo Funabashi Funabashi Funabashi Funabashi Source Ramen Tate Big Negoti!

Funabashi no Funabashi Source ramen None! When I bought it in a box with 12 pieces of boxes, the illustration of big Fuji was printed. People of fans recommend box buying.

"Source buzzer!" "Fuwashi is eating a bunch of fun bridges!" Etc. Commented that "Sweetness and sourness of sauce is unbearable!" "Hot horse! Satisfactory"!

Unpack the box from the cut.

I purchased "Funabashi no Funabashi no Ramen Nana!" Purchased on the left with a box, and "Funabashi no Funabashi Source Ramen Tatte Big Negoti!" On the right at a convenience store.

"Funabashi no Funabashi no Ramen Nameless! (176 yen including tax)" is a package based on pink color.

Comment that Funassy is "addictive ramen!"

Funabashi Source Ramen ProjectProducer of ramen criticYoshiji YamajiIs supervised.

Funabashi Source Ramen is a Class B local gourmet born after the war and born in the Funabashi, the unique sweetness of the source sweetness and sour taste become addictive, it is a favorite of Funassy.

Anyhow Fujishi is buzzing.

Futosa approved mark.

Raw materials are fried noodles, powdered sauce, milk etc.

The calorie is 305 kcal per serving, calories are modest a little less than cup noodles (343 kcal).

You can check quickly when opening.

After putting hot water to the inner line ......

Wait 3 minutes.

Complete after mixing for 3 minutes. The color of the soup is light brown.

Cabbage, carrot, meat with sweetness Tamagotte was firmly growing.

When I try to eat, it tastes like sauce with hot water with sour sauce, sweetness, umami and spice taste are just the source taste soup. Although it is somewhat lacking in the taste of the animal system, it may be close to the feeling of putting hot water in the source yakisoba as an image. The texture of the noodles was especially normal oil.

Sauteed with meat Soba is somewhat lacking in existence, but the taste of chapel fits well with the taste of sauce.

"Funabashi no Funabashi Source Ramen Tatte Big Negoti (199 yen including tax)" is a package based on Orange.

Unlike the pink package, red ginger is on the middle.

"It's more delicious when you eat with fried food!"

Funabashi no Funabashi Source ramen None! The same explanation as that was written.

Although similar materials are used for the raw materials, it seems to be made more like yakisoba with Aoza · Red Sea Ginger.

413 kcal per meal, Funabashi no Funabashi source ramen None! Somewhat higher.

When opening it, you can quickly check red ginger etc.

Pour hot water ......

Wait 3 minutes.

Three minutes is like this.

Funabashi no Funabashi Source ramen None! There is almost the same kind of thing as, but you can check Red Ginger and Azalea. To mix and eat.

Although it has a taste very similar to that of the previous sauce ramen, it is somewhat spicy impression because red ginger enters. The flavor of Aoza is also felt, it is the taste like sour sauce containing just soup.

The taste of quickly hardly changes. If you want to eat less, simply choose a pink cup, if you want to eat more, it would be nice to pick an orange cup.

Since it seems to be delicious when eating with fried foods, prepare soy sauce flavor from the family and try it on soup.

Due to the slightly thick soy sauce flavor from the family, the taste of the sauce was not felt there. It seems to be good to eat with fried foods that eat with sauces and croquettes and eat it.

"Funabashi no Funabashi Source Ramen None!" And "Funabashi no Funabashi Source Ramen Tatte Big Negoti!" Are limited for sale. In Funabashi City, source ramen is sold at 16 stores in the city according to the sale of this product.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log