If there is "raw ingredient list" of natural banana, what kind of display will it be?

Bananas are excellent nutritious foods and even at convenience stores they are able to get on a unit basis, but when I look at the label that is stuck, like ordinary processed foods, "some of these things are included It is in a state that I do not know the raw material called "It is being done." So, what on earth is a banana made of? In the first place what kind of chemical substances are included in the banana if ingredient tables and raw material notation are necessary? The following is what I tried to do.

Ingredients of an All-Natural Banana | James Kennedy

Creator James Kennedy is a graphic designer living in Melbourne, Australia. Mr. James, born in England, graduated from Cambridge University, moved to Melbourne, where he is teaching chemistry at high school and working as a designer.

Mr. James says that he is paying attention to food ingredient indications from everyday, he says he tried to avoid food containing many food additives. When James checked the substances contained in the banana, even if it was a product with a catch phrase such as "100% natural", I noticed that it actually contained a lot of chemical substances, I made the result into a single poster.

It is the ingredient list of the layout that seems to have been seen in packages of imported ingredients etc. Ingredients such as moisture (WATER), saccharides (SUGARS), and starch (STARCH) are arranged along with the slurry. Moreover, if you look closely there is also part of coloring, certainly after bananas are importedChange from green to yellow at "Banana processing factory"Because it is a reason, coloring may be coloring. Looking at only this list, it is almost impossible to find out that "This is a component of banana".

I tried to graph the investigation result of James like that in Excel. The ingredients of bananas account for 75% of the moisture, 12% sugar and 5% starch.

Here is a detailed breakdown of saccharides. It contains glucose (48%), fructose (40%), sucrose (2%), maltose (1%).

Furthermore, amino acids are classified finely.Glutamic acid(19%),Aspartic acid(16%),Histidine(11%) and so on. It also includes ingredients that I have never heard of ... ....

Components contained in fatty acids look like this. Even saying "fatty acid" in a bite is surprising that it contains so many components.

Besides bananas, things written about the ingredients of kiwi ......

Ingredients of an All-Natural Kiwi | James Kennedy

Egg ingredients listed are also created.

Ingredients of an All-Natural Egg | James Kennedy

Even though "chemical substances" are sometimes referred to as "chemical substances", there are natural and artificially added substances, and not all are harmful. It is impossible to definitely determine good / bad by looking at only this, but it seems that there is no loss by knowing that such things are actually included.

in Junk Food, Posted by darkhorse_log