What kind of person is Satya Nadera who took office as Microsoft's new CEO?

Founded in 1975, the world's largest computer and software company, Microsoft, Bill Gates and Mr. Steve Ballmer have taken the position of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) so far,WindowsAndOfficeWe have created services such as. It was officially announced that Mr. Satya Nadera was appointed as the third CEO of the company following that.

Satya Nadella - Microsoft's CEO

In the following movies, Microsoft's legend is welcoming Mr. Nadera as CEO.

Bill Gates welcomes Satya Nadella as Microsoft CEO - YouTube

Steve Ballmer welcomes Satya Nadella as Microsoft CEO - YouTube

Microsoft Chairman John Thompson on CEO Satya Nadella - YouTube

Mr. Nadera has been a person in charge of cloud & enterprise division, the cloud computing and Xbox business. He went to India in 1967HyderabadI was born in the school days, playing cricket crazy while I was a student, from this experience "I learned about teamwork and leadership".

In college days he seemed to want to major in computer science, but since he did not have a corresponding department at Mangalore University in India he went to first, he proceeded to the way of electrical engineering, and after graduating he got a master's degree in computer science I entered the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and got a degree. After that, I also have a Masters degree in business administration.

Mr. Nadera talked about what he had learned in various fields, "Everything I've learned has excited me, I learn while touching a lot of fields and working with many people I can also do it, so curiosity and hunger for knowledge is my identity. "

Mr. Nadera started his careerSun MicrosystemsAfter that, I joined Microsoft in 1992, but when he received an offer of "I do not work at home" from Microsoft, he was in the middle of acquiring a master's degree in business administration from the University of Chicago about.

Microsoft, who was then making Windows NT at that time, needed someone to understand about UNIX and the 32 bit OS, and he said that Nadera was the one that met the conditions. He did not want to give up both the master's degree acquisition and the Microsoft position, so "I flew to Chicago every Friday night, attended a Saturday class and worked back to Raymond where I worked "Mr. Nadera looks back on those days.

In addition, Mr. NaderaMail sent to employees as CEO"It was revealed that" We asked Gates to spare time due to Microsoft's work ", and that Mr. GatesInaugurated as a technical advisorAlso, it has already been announced that you will retreat from the position of the president.

Here is the first interview that Mr. Nadera received as Microsoft's CEO.

Satya Nadella: His first interview as CEO of Microsoft - YouTube

The selection of the new CEOAs expectedHowever, Mr. Nadera said "Our industry is not traditional, respecting innovationAs you say, you can expect to be able to create innovative products regardless of existing concepts.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii