Headline news on July 22, 2013
Smartphone case special site "King Kong", But TV anime"Kilmy baby"ofReleased smartphone case for all 40 types compatible with 26 modelsTo do. In addition to those of four characters of easyy, Sonya, Akira, and deceased characters, a wide range of designs such as kilmy dance appearing in the ending of animation, scenes where Sonja easily violently violent, Mobukara are prepared. It is unprecedented as a case to simultaneously release from the same work. The price starts at 2980 yen and has been on sale since July 19, and it gained 1st place on Rakuten market iPhone case sale. "Kilmy baby gets revived"The comment is attached.
An example is like this.
By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.
Cyber Connect - Two Fukuoka Head Office Tours Tour - GIGAZINE - a series of unknown ideas accumulated to make the company work well
China's largest lake "Qinghai Lake" with an altitude of 3000 m that will cool the hot summer - GIGAZINE
"Magnetic Fluid Mysteries Observation Kit" in which liquid moves in three-dimensional form as a spatula - GIGAZINE
Free software "WindowsPager" that can work with ease using four virtual desktop screens - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (memo · various others)
Programming Language Party Last Request - Togetter
BS SKY Perfect 【Poko x Fresh】 Men who absolutely want to make squid vs absolutely not miserable Men confrontation is too interesting: topic: m9 (`· ω · ')
Live house ZEPP Namba Osaka "Headquarters building of Kubota swaying and jumping is prohibited because we inconvenience the employees so much": Market situation Kabu full force 2 stories
【Nendoroid】 Destroy power of Da Yu is too abnormal ... O yeah yeah ...: Gimetto
The sublime closure of the subcal shop "Omegaalgea" in Nakano
◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Nutrino Important discovery in Japan, the US and Europe NHK News
◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
[Election] Akira Ikegami is too aggressive Summary 2013 [TV TOKYO] - NAVER Conclusion
[House of Councilors] Seike Ikegami "Komeito and Soka Gakkai violate separation of religion and religion, saying that believers will gain merit in voting"
The election special number was again victory of Tele East x Akira Ikegami.
The petition special feature and the conference feature were also interesting. The fact that we want the nursery school to have the most petition in politicians now leads to the waiting child problem as it is, and I think that it reflects the society, but I think that it is the second place to get jobs or third place It is not except that there are more than public works projects.
Mr. Ozawa "Very Harsh Results" All official candidates lost
The reason why the shooting of ballot papers is prohibited is because of the compulsory prevention of votes buying and selling / voting destinations, right? - Vocal exercises
Asahi Shimbun Digital: Mr. Miki Watanabe (LDP) is a winning proportional district - 2013 Upper House election
Painful news (No ∀ `): 【House of Councilors】 Liberal Democratic Party Miki Watanabe Winning reliable - Livedoor blog
10: Nanashi @ 13th anniversary: 2013/07/22 (Monday) 03: 14: 48.74 ID: WdBTSY 1 L 0
Watami Accurate Kita ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ (゜ ∀ ゜) ━━━━━━━━ !!!!
4: Nanashi @ 13th anniversary: 2013/07/22 (Mon) 03: 14: 21.43 ID: I4ySmpBs0
7: Nanashi @ 13th anniversary: 2013/07/22 (Mon) 03: 14: 37.95 ID: ohkHUQEN 0
12: Mr. Anonymous @ 13th anniversary: 2013/07/22 (Mon) 03: 14: 56.75 ID: rgznqajd0
Hello ...... I got out ... ...
22: Mr. Anonymous @ 13th anniversary: 2013/07/22 (Mon) 03: 15: 27.00 ID: ImNJlvTxO
How did this happen
24: Mr. Anonymous @ 13th anniversary: 2013/07/22 (Mon) 03: 15: 28.74 ID: z0jCElwu0
The LDP ended
28: Mr. Nanashi @ 13th anniversary: 2013/07/22 (Monday) 03: 15: 46.00 ID: 24 rwi H + n 0
Dark era rush
33: Nanashi @ 13th anniversary: 2013/07/22 (Monday) 03: 16: 11.43 ID: UU + 5hpLu 0
Dog clothes
37: Mr. Nanashi @ 13th anniversary: 2013/07/22 (Monday) 03: 16: 20.34 ID: bLx3AkT70
Oh, Oh, I do not want you to win the first ...
38: Mr. Nanashi @ 13th anniversary: 2013/07/22 (Monday) 03: 16: 36.29 ID: HBFbp7V60
\ (^ O ^) / Owatami
Mr. Inoki "Leaving Beijing diplomatic relations" with Kim Hoi-sen "In a relationship that you can shake hands" - Sponichi Annex Society
Taro Yamamoto exactly with NHK interview 7/21 - YouTube
Abandonment of girls in Hiroshima and Kure: 1 girl in arrest, abusive living protection by community life 1 1 K - community life every day jp (Mainichi Shimbun)
The painful news (No ∀ `): 【Hiroshima girl abandonment】 16 year old girl arrested, receiving livelihood protection - livedoor blog
Shiga arrested a man with a daughter and a man with a high daughter's high student on charges of imprisonment Shiga - MSN Sankei News
The arrest went on suspicion of arresting about 9 o'clock in the morning at Otsu city municipal parking lot, grabbing the hair of a male student (17) of a prefectural high school 1 year associate with the daughter of junior high school (13), 17, It pushes into the seat and runs and said that it threatened to "forcibly pick up all the nails" and "I will fold 30 bones" and made it in a state of escape for about 50 minutes.
Two people killed and injured NHK News
Two 16-year-old high school students were hit by a train on the tunnel of the JR Kansai Line in Osaka · Kashiwabara City on the 21st, one person died and one person suffered a serious injury.
At that time, there were 13 junior high school students and high school students in total in the tunnel at the time and said, "I was adventuring the nearby mountains but I thought I'd get out through the tunnel as I got lost" .
Painful news (No ∀ `): Norwegian woman raped in Arab, arrested for imprisonment - livedoor blog
101: Nanashi @ 13th anniversary: 2013/07/21 (Sunday) 17: 48: 53.11 ID: OP77m2Mi0
It's a foreigner as the Arab side, I guess I've intended to lighten it for 1 year and 3 months imprisonment
Inose Naoki · Tokyo governor's wife, Yuriko san died - MSN Sankei News
Panasonic and Sanyo fined $ 5.7 billion for automobile parts cartels to US authorities: SIer blog
Eel, cheaply purchase large quantities, point reduction ... His hands - MSN Sankei News
A table reading monke that summarizes all the human rights written in the constitution present on this earth into one Classic: between / beyond readers
│ Famima Tamagawa Gakuen Store │ │ Famima Tamagawa Gakuenmae Station South Exit Store │: Market Condition Kabu 2 Story Floor
Current affairs dot com: "76 ruling party seats" Don Pissha = Yahoo's big data analysis 【13 upper house election】
【House of Councilors election】 Hatoyama · Kan · Ozawa Era Names ended together - MSN Sankei News
Constitutional power, Not reaching two thirds of the upper house Komei is cautious Attitude: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Thinking about Mr. Taro Yamamoto - Maxim to be chewed "Democracy without education is meaningless": Agora - Livedoor blog
Can you graduate from "PB" of cheapest bakuro: Nikkei Business Online
[Only God Breast] Yoshiyoshi Mr. Jesus, at last the funds run out: Zuko log news (· ω ·)
Asahi Shimbun Digital: Midori Tanioka Represented Retirement of the Political Party "Party's Role Finished" - Politics
Minimum wage, 11 prefectures living protection benefits below 5 prefectures reversal: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
The reversal phenomenon newly occurred in Aomori, Saitama, Chiba, Kyoto, Hyogo 5 prefectures.
The trouble of fire and smoking from the train at JR Hokkaido will be the seventh in this year.
Sato vs Echigo, a clever mouth litigation "sparks" | Industry / Industry | Toyo Keizai online | Business site for new generation leaders
◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Nikkan's Thread Guide: When you see a boy who is a good age walking with your mother, you will get "Wow ..."
60: VIP 774: 2013/07/21 (Sunday) 12: 17: 02.72 ID: GsW 5 n OIs 0
While parents are able to move, various things go out together and make memories
You will regret your life forever if you have sullen shame
Leisureman \ (^ o ^) / Breaking news: 【With image】 Voluntarily get off the train for rescuing women sandwiched between trains, rescue work by total passenger - Livedoor blog
To the withdrawal of Otsuki Line abroad / Web east side · news 20130722114659
Criminal circumstances of developed countries: Interesting truth of crime reduction
VIPPER me: Well, it was ~ ww I came home from school but I forgot my key and I can not put it in the house ~ www
Reason why a woman boyfriends TOP 5 wwwwwwwwww - Golden Times
Tokyo Newspaper: Kabuki-jiku Otosuchi Eggplant Trout High Eelse Aftermath Ota: Gunma (TOKYO Web)
According to my grandfather 's point - Togetter
Asahi Newspaper Digital: "Books I Wish You Have Hon" Read the bookstore grand prix, one after another - culture
Neat introduces how to make delicious curry: leave
there is no name yet. Please do not treat our daughters as "things"
Despair of "unscrupulous management". Worship
How to spontaneously nurture people who have learned in university physical education classes: from time journal of time consultants
Iwanami Shoten, the publication of Rokko Shuppan Published Finally Due to the spread of the net and the stagnation of demand - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)
Give 1 gram of gold weight reduction, Dubai government measures against obesity |
What is the identity of the girl in uniform wearing his uncle and keeping traffic in Motomachi? [Homarepo.com]
◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
EnchantMOON review - KaoriYa
EnchantMOON has arrived. Sasameyuki.info
Conclusion of the muttering of those who received the first shipment of enchantMOON - Togetter
#enchant Voices of people using MOON - Togetter
EnchantMOON Early Adapter 's reaction to the flame - various mattresses
[Warning] The case that taking over of Gmail is not half in the last few days. 2-step verification is a fear of breaking !! | More Access! More Fun!
I can play smart bubble - Market Hack
Fear!? Facebook comment field, edit history can be viewed (Okada Oka) - Individual - Yahoo! News
"Aozora Bunko" turning over cloudy sky? Number of works, concern of drastic reduction: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Electronic library "Aozora Bunko" which can read literary works whose copyright has disappeared for free. That existence is shaking now. It is because the possibility that the government will extend the copyright protection period from 50 years after the death of the current author to 70 years that the US needs as it is prior consultation of the Pacific Rim Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP). If it is extended for 20 years, the number of works that can be handled in the Aozora Bunko has drastically decreased. Will the blue sky turn around "cloudy sky"?
Microsoft stocks temporarily declined more than 12% temporarily Forecasted settlements: SIer blog
LINE registered users, to exceed 200 million even in July: Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Mr. Kenji Furuichi, a sociologist against Yukari Takinami, puts Tsukkom as "scary" - Hagex-day info
Hatena Diary User Literature Awards Awards Incomplete List - YAMDAS Current Update History
Yamanashi crack -Diary SIDE - Reason why the number of accesses jumps if writing a bad mouth of Nintendo
Yahoo! Answers to XSS? - yhgn's "write for myself" blog
Optimized for engineers! Sakura's new floor - Sakura's knowledge
Why do customers drop when price cuts? (6) "Hanako" reader who was afraid that "Penpen grass does not grow after visiting store" | Food Watch Japan
Recently, why is Osaka being avoided in the Internet industry? [Series: Fukuyuki Murakami] - Engineer type
Pioneer aims to "Smart Loop" aims at zero traffic jam - Listen to data scientists - CNET Japan
Plannah -mixi's brand-new project-
"From the Mixi Innovation Center, another new project will start!"
[Sad news] "94% of college students are in contact with LINE rather than mail" with "people who are not friendly" | Social Net Breaking News
◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Individual development for Wii U is "only possible" in Japan - Togetter
Nintendo's "Unity for Wii U" and "Nintendo Web Framework" announced at GDC will be open to individual developers all over the world, but it seems that it is unreasonable situation that only applications from Japan are not possible is.
"Kozue Yu Rokka · Reform ~ The second edition of the movie version I want to fall in love with you! ~ 」Special News 2 - YouTube
Haruko Ichikawa latest work, "Jewel of the Kingdom" 1 volume Release Memorial Full Animation PV - YouTube
PS 3 "ACE COMBAT INFINITY" Tiza movie - YouTube
【Breaking News】 Original title Next issue "Initial D" is decided as a movie! In addition, we produce the animation series "Final Stage" that draws the last battle! | Otaku News
Leisure person \ (^ o ^) / Breaking news: "I do not need any drugs when I am addicted to Netoge" · · A former addict is a testimony - Livedoor blog
Yamanashi crack -Diary SIDE - Reason why the number of accesses jumps if writing a bad mouth of Nintendo
The painful news (No ∀ `): Director Hayao Miyazaki" Comfort women problem, apologies should be compensated "" The territory is settled in half with other countries "" The defense army stopped being attacked "- Livedoor blog
Speaking of "← after the author hurts"?
# Wind Standing impressed Miyazaki Hayao 's autobiographical ideal suffering a real person Part 1 - Kushihotechiko - Animation & amp; Creation -
Crown shines on me "Wind does not stand"
"Wind Standing None" - Denno Maruboan Ver. 3.0
It is said that the big priest who is 72 years old will make a novelistic movie that nakedly expels its inner face so far.
I have reached the endless level, this director ....
In the history of animation, I think that I have to say that it is a unique masterpiece unlike any other.
Asahi Shimbun Digital: Giant, Increase 10 Million Units with Good Advancement Animation - Culture
Naming like "Zarathustra talks" "Philosophy News nwk
【Ship】 Think about the expedition 【No Charging】 - As a matter of bruise
Is there a future for TYPE - MOON who turned into a monetizer? - liar note
Tetris ® Monster | Tetris ® for the first time in history! Monster Battle RPG
Narrow and deep - Jewel pet ☆ Trying BD - BOX release event Evening festival at Docky ☆ Doki! Participation Report Part 2
MGSV can victory normally as much as GTAV · Consideration of past and future open world design: GAME · SCOPE · SIZE
◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
NEWS post seven | Talk of Daisuke Takahashi talks about choreographer "Japanese people look beautiful"
Yasu High School Soccer Club 2013 PV - YouTube
Beautiful princess entered at the East Japan Championship in November "Severe Norma" - Sponichi Annex Figure Skating
Kobayashi Kamui, F1 in Ferrari - YouTube
【Photo Slee】 I went to the Shinto shrine at All-Star Wowota wwwww: : There was a pleasure to put together myself J
Special talks Kimoto Tomonari × Takeshi Shimoyanagi Toriya, Fujimami ... ... Let's talk about men who changed Hanshin | Sports | Modern sports | Modern business [Kodansha]
[Sad news] Hanshin, do not hit Fujinami for the Giants match: Yakinadojikan
249: Wind blowing if nothing 2013/07/22 08: 15: 46 ID: qbQXcOkP
It's a once-in - a - year giant even on Sunday and Thursday
The Scout - Professional baseball stretchy player A player who does not grow "This is different" | Sports | Modern sports | Modern business [Kodansha]
◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Nissin's Denmei Mini Series !! "Nissin's Denmei Kitsune Dynasty Mini" "Nissin Denmei Tempura Sub Mini" "Nissin Donba noodle Udon Mini" "Nissin "Donbira warm soup noodle mini" "Nissin Donburi duck soba mini" August 5, 2013 (Monday) renewal release
· Previous headline
Headline news on July 19, 2013 - GIGAZINE
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