A device that enters a pocket and can measure seven kinds of vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure "Scanadu Scout"

It attracts a lot of attention to gather funds 8 times the target amount "Scanadu ScoutIs now a cloud facing serviceIndiegogoWe are seeking investment in. Scanadu Scout is compact in size and can measure seven values ​​such as heart rate and blood pressure.

Scanadu Scout, the first Medical Tricorder | Indiegogo

Scanadu Scout - The first medical Tricorder - YouTube

Scanadu Scout aims to be a medical device that can be a simplified emergency room of size that will fit into your pocket by using smartphone and Bluetooth.

Specifically, what you can do with Scanadu Scout is "heart rate" "skin temperature / deep body temperature" "Blood oxygen saturation"Breathing rate" "blood pressure" "electrocardiogram" "emotional stress" to measure seven values.

It's easy to use, just keep it attached to the forehead for about 10 seconds. Then the measured value will be displayed in the special application of the smartphone.

Measurement results are displayed like this, and Scanadu Scout application will be released from Android and iOS.

It is also used for Mars Sample Analyzer (SAM) mounted on Curiosity, NASA's Mars rover RoverMicriumBecause it adopts real time OS of company, it secures stability.

Scanadu Scout is designed to keep batteries well if you use batteries several times a day for a week.

Although the prototype has been completed, yetAmerican Food and Drug Administration(FDA) approval has not been cleared, so it can not be sold as a medical device at the current stage.

In order to pass the approval review of this FDA, it is necessary to use a lot of usage data, so we provide Scanadu Scout's prototype ahead of time, get feedback from users by using this, and use FDA's It seems to gather data for clearing pass through the approval review.

At the stage where the current FDA approval is not cleared, it is possible to participate in the research on the usefulness of Scanadu Scout together with the product when you receive the Scanadu Scout by contributionInformed consentPaper will also be sent. In addition, during use, we receive notification that we want you to participate in official clinical research program, and depending on research, you may be asked to sign informed consent form for each research.

In addition, since the current Scanadu Scout is not a medical device, we will not ask the user for a medical requirement and we will not do any specific disease diagnosis. However, it does not hurt the health of the user.

You can use the Scanadu application with a capital of $ 10 (about 989 yen), and you can get Scanadu Scout and Scanadu application by making a $ 199 (about 19,700 yen) contribution.

The deadline is 11:59 PM on June 21st local time.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by logu_ii