"What Your Body Does In 30 Seconds" shows in what happens to your body in just 30 seconds

As the proverb "There is a shadow of light", time passes at a tremendous speed, but human beings can do a lot of things in less time. For example, human beingsIf it takes 30 seconds, walk ahead for about 40 metersIt is possible to do. A movie that focused on what is happening to the human body, not in human beings in a short time of 30 seconds, is "What Your Body Does In 30 Seconds"is.

What Your Body Does In 30 Seconds - YouTube

In 30 seconds you ...

I breathe eight times. That is, humans breath once every 3.75 seconds on average.

0.3 g of carbon dioxide is discharged. It also emits about 0.0375 g of carbon dioxide per breath.

My heart beat 36 times.

In the blood, 72 million red blood cells are made in 30 seconds.

Also, the blood moves through the body for 4 miles (about 6.4 km) in 30 seconds.

In addition, 174,000 skin cells will fall in 30 seconds.

The number of blinks in 30 seconds is 7 times.

The human brain thinks to think about 25 times in 30 seconds. It becomes a calculation considering that it differs once every 1.2 seconds.

And the body will produce 100 watts of power in 30 seconds.

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log