How is the iPhone used for the cover of a magazine photographed?

Used in advertisements and othersThe real thing of the product is far from the real thingThere are things that, but it is often that extraordinary effort is being put there. One of them is a photo of a smartphone casually in the town, and how much time and effort is taken for a photograph of only one iPhone decorating the cover of such a magazine? A movie that understands well is "Cover creation"is.

Cover creation on Vimeo

A man who came to a studio with big windows. There is a table in the back of the room.

Start shooting preparation. We will install lights and leaf boards.

Pull the curtain and the setting is completed.

I placed an iPhone on the table and started shooting.

At first glance I just put it ... ...

Using clay, it is made to appear beautiful three-dimensional feeling and shadows.

Do not forget to wear gloves when working. Sharpen the screen to ensure there is no cloud on the screen.

Added a reflector board on the left side of the iPhone.

While checking the photographs taken on the computer screen, we adjust fine parts.

Also writing from the right side.

I also adjust the camera.

Try shielding the reflection of light with black paper.

The tools increased more and more around the table.

On the screen of the computer, confirmation is done up to the details.

Shooting ended.

Next we will make corrections in Photoshop to photos taken on the spot.

This is a picture taken by us.

It is like this when making the background white.

The iPhone screen will be pasted after shooting.

In the photograph taken, the mark drawn on the home button is light gray.

I will add brightness and darkness to make the marks clear.

The background changes to light blue.

That is completed. Here is the picture before starting work.

After the work, it became as follows.

I will bring the photo to the office building.

The destination isMacworldThe editorial department of.

I will go through the building.

A figure of a man in the room where it reached.

I will use the received photos to create the cover page of Macworld.

Lay out journal names and article titles.

It is getting more and more like a magazine.

We will fine-tune the color of the background, the size and arrangement of the title.


It seems that a printed magazine has arrived. Opening cardboard ... ...

Magazine Macworld came out.

In addition, this focuses on shooting, work in Photoshop, design processing, it says that the detailed process for meeting and layout before shooting is omitted. The state of the work was photographed every 30 seconds and finished as a time lapse image.

Peter Belanger, a photographer who shot the movie, is also handling a lot of product shooting etc. In addition, the work can be seen from the following website.

Peter Belanger | Home

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log