Headline news on February 15, 2013

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:00 Feb 15, 2013, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

Wii U will become the title of the first Pokemon "Pokemon Scramble U"Was released in the spring of 2013. Following "Pangition Fight! Pokemon Scramble" "Super Pokemon Scramble" "It is the latest work of the Pokemon Scramble series, it is possible to experience a battle with as many as 100 Pokemon, 649 kinds of Pokemon gather in large groups is.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

◆ Story (memo · various others)
[Abdominal disintegration] It was a shame at the hairdresser's house owing to you omura: \ (^ o ^) / Owata breaking news

Leisure time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking News: Shinjuku station men's bathroom scary too wolter ......... - livedoor blog

The iPhone application "tmbrtext for tumblr" Since the text at the time of update was interesting, I summarized it | Table 4 of OZPA

"Throw sausages in search of bacon" Meaning of German sayings (Excite Bit Connector) - Excite News

"World of heavy machinery"! It is! An introductory one volume of heavy machinery that is not a tank road. Let's read from now. : Book News

I will draw a VIP village at low price Part 3: Momonga breaking news

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
NAKAHARA - LAB.NET The University of Tokyo Nakahara Jun Laboratory - Science of adult learning: When you lament that "In any of your classes or meetings, members will not make an opinion," something that you would like to think a little: "Good quality Question "and" courage to accept "

By the way, I have forgotten the details of the practice, but even now, if there is only one thing that I remember clearly three years ago, this is it.

It is "grateful · concern" that I squirted from various places when I heard that Mr. Sandell invited Professor Sandel to lecture at the University of Tokyo. (I will not dare say where I am from) Hmm).

In the first place, even if university faculty sought a student opinion by adult number class,

"There are no people who hold hands, and you do not have an opinion."
"Is not it only a negative opinion?"
"If you talk to a lot of people, you probably will not get together."

In other words, in a word, there is no trust in the learning side. And it resonates well with such discourses that it is better not to do classes that will give opinions, even for "why" and "teaching side" "You better not teach classes" "Talk to a lot of people It is better not to do classes that give rise to "as" a teacher 's discourse ". I have already told about this "compliance relationship" of this "learners - teachers" in this blog.
I think that it is better to have a recognition that the two sides are 'big adults' because the recognition that both sides are 'classmaking masters' is not the case.

Helium shortage to become serious Tokyo Disney Land also discontinues balloon sales: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Rubella Why many men in their 20s to 40s NHK news

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Shall break and jam on shoes? Student Council and "Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)" "Elimination of the back rule"

The student council during Niigata prefecture's municipal municipal government has been conducting questionnaire surveys and discussion of the whole school for one year, so as to lose the "backing rule" of the school which has not been included in the school regulations but has been handed over among the students. The students are facing from the front to cut off "bad habits" which force unreasonable upward and downward relationships.

A third-grader girl student (15), who served as the student council vice chairman, heard the back rule of the same students when he was in elementary school. "If you do not keep it, it seems you can put a jam of school lunch in your shoes." Although I have kept it for over a year while feeling funny, I won the prize as a promise to "eliminate backing rules" in the Student Council elections, "I do not want to be a junior to what I did not like." The other seven student council members agreed, and the activities for the elimination began.

Chunichi Shimbun: suspect "in fact another real criminal" innocent complaint remote control incident: society (CHUNICHI Web)

Asahi Shimbun Digital: Lieutenant evacuees false, Delihel in Niigata arrested three suspected management fraud - Society

Berlusconi: "Bribery is not a crime", required for international companies - Bloomberg

Painful news (No ∀ `): Sankei Shimbun, photograph posting of Yasuzu Katayama as a symbol of" non motete "who can not have chocolate - livedoor blog

Personal injury: Small 5, dead quickly being hit by the speed of Osaka Kamamachi Line - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)

According to the prefectural police official Shijonaga station, a male child (11), a fifth grade municipal elementary school living in the city, is looking at as suicide.

Suicide?: Dive in 5 small stations and cancel school consolidation abandoned Note leave - every day jp (Mainichi Newspaper)

According to the city board of education, according to the municipal elementary school integration implementation plan, the school was integrated into a nearby school in April this year and was scheduled to close on February 17. According to the bereaved family, the memorandum-like memo stated that "Please stop the magazine in exchange for one small life."

In addition, the boy said that he could not stop the closing ceremony on March 13, "No one will hear our feelings while the school is crushed."

Painful news (No ∀ `):" Please please stop with yourself in exchange for a small life "5 small boys of dive suicide - livedoor blog

Mysterious "prisoner X", Australian men who committed suicide at Israel Prison are Mosad agents or 6 photos International News: AFPBB News

The existence of "X" became clear for the first time in an article published in Israel's news website "Ynet (Ynet)" in June 2010. In this article "X", the fact that the detention itself was treated as top secret and the identity and the reason for the detention was not informed to the prison officials, but it was deleted immediately after publication, and news reporting in Israel domestically It was laid.

A voice advocating for Sakuramiya Takashi's dismissal teacher "student thought with passionate enthusiast" - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)

Asahi Newspaper Digital: demonstration demonstration, moving PC "Anyone can make it" - Society

Painful news (No ∀ `): Junior high school girls, girls are touched by mobile phone while teaching, ignoring → Teacher hits the head after class finishing → Problems ... Mie - Livedoor blog

Asahi Newspaper Digital: overseas transfer service of TV program, copyright infringement and confirmed Supreme Court - Society

Hiroshima, 10 high school students arrested suspicion of throwing raw eggs at police box - 47 NEWS (Yona no News)

False accident misidentification arrest coverage damage Media and media not learning nothing from remote control incident Yusuke Katayama is really a culprit? - Togetter

Berkshire and 3G acquire US food giant Heinz for $ 28 billion International News: AFPBB News

Political economy ch - [with image] Mr. Aso, Deputy Prime Minister to go out to Moscow, is too shabby to talk about a mafia

Gan Ho of 1500 yen per second "I do not know how to kill Grie and DeNA, do not you know? We are already aware of it" Market capitalization reversal reach with a feeling Market situation Kabu full force 2 stories

Market capitalization on September 8, 2011 is Groe 598.6 billion, DeNA 5,904 billion against Gan Ho 28.1 billion. In the past year and a half Gree lost 348.8 billion, Gung Ho increased by 198.9 billion just like a gacha level fist ww

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
About the influence on train operation accompanying the processing of unexploded ordnance in the site of the Hamamatsu factory - JR Tokai Central Japan Railway Company

As the transfer work of unexploded shells starts from 8:30 on Sunday, February 17, 2013 (Sunday), 2013, as the train does not enter the evacuation area set by Hamamatsu City for about 1 hour while carrying out the transfer work For Tokaido Shinkansen and Tokaido Main Line, temporary operation will be stopped in some sections.

Leisure time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking News: It turns out why girls get wet with head pomp! However - livedoor blog

JR 6 company, "Round tickets" end of sale at the end of March: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Talk about croquette soba - do not be disturbed, and be called

The latest edition "University Ranking" Top 300 | Original | Toyo Keizai Online | Business Site for New Generation Leader

PB sales expanded at Seven, storefront tasting: Nikkei Business Online

Japan version "Heart Locker": 860 kilometers to unexploded ordnance disposal - victims useless useless - Bloomberg

"Huge ship moving at night" in the sky over the bullet train Way to Tokyo station: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Why Ito-Yokado was almost unscathed in anti-Japanese demo | China Report China | Diamond Online

"In the past, it was targeted to the spring shop of the first store, taking the priority measures first, while also making arrangements to turn people to Shunsuke shop of the second store at the same time" )

"Person" as used here is about "armed police." At this time, the 1st shop in Chengdu Ito-Yokado, the 2nd shop was guarded by each 1000 people. Human barricade made by armed police. I will get in touch with the protesters, but I definitely will not let inside.

It's not just placing personnel. I also forgot to offer a box lunch to all of the armed police.

Local officials went to greetings to executives of the Public Security Bureau when they realized that the demonstration occurred, and afterwards went to the authorities again to "thank you". I also thanked the armed police forces who assembled the barricade on that day.

Nagoya mesh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wwww BIP blog

Before the war, corporal punishment was absolutely forbidden either at school or at the military: juvenile crime database door

The Japanese army is tough for corporal punishment because it is hard for corporal punishment to start in the Meiji Restoration because it caused a lot of problems such as riots and something happening around here. A lot of dead people are out.
Because it is not possible for the military dictators to turn away from the people, "The army is familiar and warm, it is very good, it is good, there is no such thing as corporal punishment," I advertised hard. If the contents were not accompanied by only the mouth, the young people returned to their hometown and said "It was a lie", and it is hard to get up with riots again, so I tried hard to aim for the army loved by the people.
Even though I did my best I did not completely eliminate corporal punishment, but anyway, corporal punishment was absolutely prohibited and cracked down strictly as a "crime". What I was doing is illegal "private sanction", that is, "bullying".

Lessons on food scandal that shakes Europe Supermarket cost reduction equipment crisis

Nevertheless, reform is possible even in the mass market. McDonald's was revealed by Mr. Erik Schroesser 's 2003 work "Fast Food Nation (Nominated: fast food eats the world)" about low - quality meat processing and the image of the company was hurt. All beef currently offered at stores in the UK are directly procured from 17,500 livestock farmers in Ireland and the UK directly under long-term contracts. Many other food companies also adopt similar contracts.

Since it is unemployed, I have crossed the Tokaido in 16 days: 2 ch Summary: Nomad Breaking News

Ginza club mama testified "Common points of a man who gets up": Demon Blog. -beelzeboul-

Talk about volunteer organizations approaching assisting reconstruction assistance and soliciting emerging religion - Togetter

In the NHK metropolitan area network, Mr. Takeshi Anima gets flowers bundle to Katayama Anna confesses wwww | Otaku.com

Asahi Newspaper Digital: Malcolm is a small miso soup server - Economy · Money

I saw my parents' sex and became traumatic | News that I care about

F's Garage @ fshin 2000: Do not run away from the word black

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Purpose and realization method of logout function | Diary of Tokumaru Hiroshi

The time has come! That's it alone Looking at free videos, people who bought CDs jumped sharply It turns out that the illegal download bans were counterproductive

»KDP (Kindle) I asked about the royalties of books (with additional notes) Hide-and-seek strategy

Zeus targeting only online banking users in Japan | Symantec Connect community

Rakuten, the smartphone benefits by the effect of the greatest benefit Sudden increase: Performance News: Company: Market: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Business Media Makoto: The genre of e-books you are reading, the tendency to differ with men and women

"I love Free Software Day" dedicated thanks to free software - Internet com

[Tokushima] Yamamoto Ichiro × Ikeda Hayat Interview event is really really held 1 Question 1 Answer

I wonder if the captain's captain's 10 billion yen is recognized in the blogger neighborhood | Blog management for blog management

First time trial hearing (about JPNIC appealed) | diversified diary

Summary The reason why the site is popular and why there are many people who do not read - A diary

What is the cause of "32768 organization" displayed on the Keio Line train guide device? | Slashdot Japan IT

"Moonshot 10 times more than 10%": Recommendation from the responsible person of Google X «WIRED.jp

It is actually easier to make things 10 times better than the current situation, but actually it is actually easier than making 10% better ... ... It may be surprising to hear that, but this is the real thing.

User Namespace function of Linux Kernel 3.8 (1) - Diary of TenForward (diversion of defiant)

30 Linux kernel developers: Alan Cox

Ssig33.com - stories stories

Recording -> Encoding has all the software and know-how, but there is still a long way to go. There is no knowledge of the world that "Even if you have a large amount of animation, you can easily see what you want" if you have excellent UI.

It is totally unexpected that the Japanese are satisfied, such as "preserving terrestrial broadcasting for one week". People must have an environment where tens of thousands of videos can be accessed at any time. For that reason, I am hoping for VOD service companies, but honestly, if you look at the trends of each company, I can not hope to make a big evolution from the present situation. In the meantime, people should have the recording environment as above.

I tried the vertical writing EPUB output of the Dyna converter on Kindle | Electric Mf. Shobo

Opera announces that rendering engine will transition from Presto to WebKit | Slashdot Japan IT

It is Opera user for 10 years.

> 1. Tab (essential prerequisite function no longer)
Opera is MDI, but the others have tabs on SDI.
So, so-called sub-windows and download dialogs will open in separate windows.
Opera 's tab is different from the post - installation tab like other browsers.

> 2. Speed ​​dial (also required function)
Other people point out, but this is also a bit different.

> 5. Gesture
Opera's gesture seems to be straightforward as it has only standard features.
For example, in the bookmarks pane it is also possible to use gestures like "Open in new tabs" as usual.
The one realized by the extended function has a feeling of being hijacked, and even when the consistency with the original operation does not match.


I think Opera was the first to be able to search by putting search phrases in the address bar.
Is it possible to search by right-clicking text selection?
It's easy to add search engines.

Open the link list in the page, narrow it down by ".jpeg" and so on, you can not release the whole download.

I reopened the tab that I closed by mistake, and I still have history.
It was long ago that you can open tabs at the end of the previous session or drag tabs into separate windows.

I can not narrow down the bookmarks by searching, or I can not open it with one letter if I put a nickname in the property.

Alert and other dialogs do not appear on the front (drawing independently), but it was convenient to the ground, but this was made because it was a proprietary rendering engine.

Besides, there are no other people who are finely usable.

It may be possible to use extended functions with other browsers,
If it is an extended function, there are problems of non-uniformity of UI and localization ...

Anyway, the first motivation was rendering speed, but now the reason is that operability can not let go of Opera.
If this operability remains, I will continue to use Opera.
On any recent machine any speed browser is fast enough.

# I feel that someone who does not use Opera at the main says "Opera finished".

From the security and laboratories in the world - Learning from Cyber ​​Attacks to the New York Times: ITpro

News - Fatal security issues for Adobe PDF readers, fixes not yet unpublished: ITpro

A monologue - Togetter

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
"New cinema · paradise" like: Weekly Shonen Sunday 13/12: Completed original bulletin · blog version

Partial broadcasting time decision of episode 11 · episode 12! & Episode 11 PV release! Girls & Panzer Official Blog / Web Blog

Episode 11 March 22 (Monday) 22: 00 ~ 22: 30 (planned)
Episode 12 March 22 (Monday) 22: 00 ~ 22: 30 (planned)

☆ TV Osaka
Episode 11 · Episode 12 Wednesday, March 27 26: 55 ~ 27: 55 (planned)
※ 2 consecutive episodes

☆ TV Aichi
Episode 11 March 21 (Thu) 26: 05 - 26: 35 (planned)
Episode 12 March 28 (Thu) 26: 05 - 26: 35 (planned)

"You are my lascivious queen" Not shy, even pants suck it: Yamakam

Recommended PC game tell me BIP blog

Jojo author "Eva and Gundam fucking fucking, seeing my head hurts when I see it": Ruffled news

【Free RPG】 "Eternal Story ~ Sky Continent and Item Store ~" Review Advertised randomly generated dungeons, store management RPG to sell items 【AMG blog】

Although it is talked about sales of Pazdora being unpleasant, when considering from the sales, the numerical value such as ARPPU is also quite considerable - the kind of neta of profitable web service

"Light Novel and Doubt on General Literature" by Hajime Hojo

【2ch】 New Speed ​​Quality: Weekly Shonen Magazine Scream, Copies Right Shoulder! Who will kill Maga week (⊃д⊂)

Sci-Fi Museum Next, the future spoken in "orphans of media art, special effects"

From Monday, February 18 (Monday) 19:30, ~ Shogi players' wolf wolf ~ Video distribution with 'Nico Nico Live broadcast' | News · Information · Event information: Japan Shogi League

In the street it seems to be called "gun cannon" It seems that "Pazdora" Gun Ho's transcendental accounts settlement and Ragnarok's good fight internet area examination

【Interview】 Disney's Serious Film "Sugar Rush" against Game Culture - GAME Watch

# Difficulty in protecting doujinshi from # TPP. # Is there a future for secondary creation? - Togetter

This Risu chan is the strongest wolter wwwwwwwwwww: Gimetto

"Girls & Panzer Valentine Carnival" report where participants gathered too much and dispatch was aborted suddenly

Directed by Mamoru Oshii "Chimamere My Lov" Electronic publication for iPad using HTML 5 animation | Adobe HTML & Flash Gallery

About "the truthful part of Fukushima" of "Misayoshibo" | Today of Tetsuya Yazeya also today

Treatment of 'slender tragedy' - automatic regeneration

※ We do not know the meaning of "thin curse" Erotic gamer, people planning to become erotic gamers strongly recommend not to read ahead from here. truly!

Rare horse (Junichi Inoue or Mr. 弌) 'What I Need to Do for Ranobe Painting' - Togetter

WHITE ALBUM 2 Snow's Spinning Melody 1 | GA 文庫 | AQUAPLUS

Agricola Strategy Guide part 1 | Magic Game Logging Camp

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Film "Paranorman" Technical Edition - YouTube

Japanese society = physical education constitution / end of college - sports news: nikkansports.com

One, I have doubts. I wonder why people from the sports day are still popular from enterprises, even though the physical constitution is said to be problematic from this world. Why is sports popular?

I am thinking that the physical constitution like a physical education system can be said to be actually a Japanese social constitution. I clench my teeth, endure suffering, follow desperately to the leader, aim for victory with a hot mind. Society was expecting such a sports world, and the sports world was responding to it.

The so-called physical educational nature is polite, does not make limits, is patient, does not disturb the air, does not go upwards, moves with enthusiasm. It seems that sports was playing the role of human resource development which is most suitable for Japanese society in a sense in Japan in a sense that the sports world in Japan is functioning very well as a mechanism for raising people with such qualities.

Prosthesis athlete arrested for female murder NHK News

Nawae wrestling summer wrestling overlooked: Nikkei Business Online

[Good news] Kenji Shirojima of Sasebo, winning the second prize of the majestic: : There was pleasure to put together myself J

37 Wind blowing if nothing 2013/02/15 (Fri) 13: 12: 52.69 ID: LiG 6 dv 6 n
Heaven says not to give two things, but it is a big lie
Baseball and fishing are top notch

[Wailing] Nakahata "Why is Hiroshima avoiding the giants and hit Maheken on my way?" (Why J) I can not give it

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
"Apple Cake Blanc" New Release | News Release | Corporate Information | Lawson
February 19 (Tuesday) included 125 yen including tax.

· Previous headline
Headline news on February 14, 2013 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse