VPN service "OkayFreedom" that can hide its own IP address · connection source for free

When accessing the site, change the connection source to Germany, the United States, Britain, Switzerland, and VPN service which can safely browse the site etc is "OkayFreedom"is. It can be used on Windows. About the setting method of OkayFreedom etc. from the following.


Click "Download OkayFreedom for free" on the above site.

Double click on the downloaded "okayfreedom_website.exe".

Enter your email address and click "Next"

Click "Next"

Click "Install"

Click "Accept"

Click "Free" to use free account

Click "Continue"

Click "Continue"

Click "Continue"

Click "Close"

When the installation is completed, the icon of OkayFreedom appears in the task tray.

To make the setting, click the icon and it is OK.

With default settings,Confirm connection source from IP addressWhen I tried it, it was judged to be around Nagano prefecture.

Next, when changing to connection from the United States, click the icon in the task tray and click "American identity".

Wait ten seconds.

When the change is completed, the icon is changed.

I checked the connection source from the IP address and it was judged to be Toronto in Canada, not in the United States.

When changing to connection from Germany ......

This time it was judged to be proper connection from Germany.

If I change to England ......

It was judged to be London in England.

If you change to a connection from Switzerland ......

It was judged as a connection from Switzerland as set up.

When using OkayFreedom at the end, in order to check whether the line speed is affected, first with OkayFreedom stoppedMeasure download speedThen the result is about 800 kbps.

Next, change to the connection setting from the United States and measure the download speed, the result is about 200 kbps. When OkayFreedom is activated, the download speed is about one-fourth, slower than usual.

In addition, it is free to transfer up to 1 GB of data transfer amount, but if you pay for $ 5.95 per month (about 480 yen) you can use up to 10 GB per month with an unlimited transfer amount of $ 11.95 per month (about 960 yen).

in Review,   Software, Posted by darkhorse_log