"Offliberty" which you can download easily by copying if YouTube · Vimeo · SoundCloud address

YouTubeYaVimeoThe movie,SoundCloudSimply copy and paste the address of the music file atOffliberty"is.

Offliberty - evidence of offline life

The download method is simple, just paste the address of the movie you want to see in the text box and press the button under the box.

Animation starts moving.

Both Offstep 1 and Offstep 2 come close to 100% ... ...

When it reaches 100%, the following screen will be displayed.

Right click on "Right-click here and 'Save link as ..." under "MP3" on the upper side and choose "Save target to file" from the menu and save only audio file If you right click on "Right-click here and 'Save link as ...' of" Video "which is possible and further down, movie file can be downloaded in the same way.

Please note that Offliberty does not have rights to any content, and download it at your own risk.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log