Magical girl Madoka Magika's huge magical musket cannon rises in Makuhari Messe
You can feel the excitement when you pick up the small item that was built in, but huge items will also make your heart chest high.Wonder Festival 2012 [Winter]At the general booth,Dainippon ScionBut"Magical musket cannonAlthough it was on display, the size was not somewhat extraordinary, and I was attracted by ears.
The Dainippon Sciences booth is 8-11-14 in the 8th hole.
A huge magical musket cannon appealing toward the ceiling of Makuhari Messe was exhibited.
The size that you can understand at a glance even from a slight distance.
It's rather deca. I felt like approaching Moai statue from behind.
Even if it came near the masking cannon at last, it is too big and I do not know what it is.
The price is 3000 yen though this size. This is because the DVD-ROM that contains paper craft data is sold, but if it is such a huge one, it can not be brought even if sold as it is.
By the way, this magical musket cannon, along with the magical musket guns being sold at the same time,Magical Girl Madoka ☆ MagicaWhat Tomoe Mami used in the second episode. Mami sits lightlyTiro finaleAlthough I released it, in fact it would be like this size ... ....
Besides that, at Dai Nippon GikenFate / ZeroTo appear inThompson ContenderI was selling such as.
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