Headline news of December 19, 2011

When there is a large-scale disaster, it is very inconvenient to live when there is water outage. I wish stockpile at any time ... I wish my wish is ... "I am saving a store 18 L"is. If you connect "saving pool" to the water service, usually water will go through this "saving pool", so new tap water will be stocked in the tank at any time and will be supplied from the tank when it gets out of water So you can use water. Currently, we have released a 36 liter type, but it was made in response to the demand for compact and lightweight items. The price is only for the main body, it is 89,000 yen without tax, the weight is about 15 kg. It is on sale from late December.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

"PWGen" free software that can generate massive amounts of passwords and passphrases suitable for conditions by easy operation - GIGAZINE

A cute movie where ladybirds chase candy with colorful candy - GIGAZINE

Nori's "Lyrical ☆ Party IV" report with 16,000 people boiled at the 2nd movie and 2nd game release of the game - GIGAZINE

◆ Today's lunch of GIGAZINE

Rice (white rice)

Potatoes (pork potato oil salt pepper and parsley)

Simmered dish (Konnyaku ginseng flavored soy sauce lettuce)

Kimono (carrot juice sesame sauce)

Miso soup (chicken shimeji ginseng green onion soup noodles miso)

◆ Story (memo · various others)
Borrower's argument that you can see in 4 frames #ghibli # arrietty ... on Twitpic

Japanese rice field art is too great wwwwww What is this art wwwww |

@nifty: Daily portal Z: Ibaraki airport / direct bus journey at 1000 yen

Kim Jong Il "... .... GANTZ ...?" - Golden Times

Mio of "K-ON!" Drawn with CSS without using any image is serious and amazing! - Trick technique shop DD

【Reading attention】 Nightly snacks [image]: Tsundaowata information

Suspicious recruiters found on Twitter ... - NAVER Summary
"People who do not have trouble even if one week disappears" "Work to drop gloves"

"People who can work are dirty on the desktop screen, people who can not work against the other are beautiful" ......... Eh! Is it? : 【2ch】 New speed VIP blog (`· ω · ')

It turns out that your head gets better as you run Run naked out running naked | Life Huck Channel 2

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Asbestos, completely banned ... Also in the last exceptions Completed alternative: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Parts called "gaskets" used for piping joints etc. were the last exceptions, but in June this year substitutes were developed.

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): 10,000 human bones talking about Edo Petite body / malnutrition / epidemic - society

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Shirakawago, To abolish the public parking lot by maintaining the scenery of the world heritage - 47 NEWS (Yona no Toshi news)

Aomori Yamada Takashi: Baseball club died Delegation from senior students in dormitory - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)

Decided to shoot Chinese fishermen Korea found in the future

【2ch】 New Speed ​​Quality: Dissolved due to mismatch of propensity? Did sanctuary Kamoko 's child pregnant 15 years old?

Smiley Kikuchi who has been slurred by the Internet for ten years | Flutter human rights information network

After that, although it was accepted that there were acts of defamation and intimidation by all 19 people caught, it was disallowed for nothing. Because there were other people who wrote slander and slander against Mr. Kikuchi, it was judgment of the prosecutor who was charged with prosecution that if only some people were prosecuted, it could be protested as "unfair". Although I could not be satisfied, I accept it from the thought that I did as much as I could for individuals. Switching my mind, I tell him I am feeling refreshed.

Indian 18-year-old, height 62.8 cm pictures 25 images International footage: "AFPBB News

Daikanyama Real McCoye Clerk MID.K abuses Bibiru Oki who came in private and flames up: Hamster bulletin

Remarks of professors of Tokyo University · Tokyo Tech promoting nuclear power: collection of hamsters bulletins

Female junior high and high school students drop mobile phones in side guts, police officers lift concrete heavy lid and rescue, mobile is safe: hamster breaking

[With animation] The case that the former TEPCO employee's internal accusations are boggy wwwwwwwwwww: Kini's quick breaking news

Immediately after the nuclear power plant accident, TEPCO told the subcontractor "to collect a good person who can die": a quick news report

Sexual abuse to tens of thousands of minors The Catholic Church of the Netherlands - 47 NEWS (Yona no News)

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Governor to the Sapporo extension of the Shinkansen, consult the Mayor of Hakodate Hokkaido - Train - Travel

A reading lecture lecture for not being damned anymore (?): Part 4 - Tornado journal

She came for 2 and a half years she was on AV | 【2ch】 Knee VIP Blog

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
【Year End Special Projects】 Mirrorless Camera 2011 Total Summary - Digital Camera Watch

Former Yamagiwa commences special liquidation - ITmedia news

Quality is a tough organization, why does quality deteriorate? - Software development process for site - Takanori Journal

If you comment on the translation article as "Aho?", The translator will be subject to contempt! Appeal if there is no apology! And protest - Togetter

Weekend Akiba Bargain Report: "It is becoming a" flower "to replace HDD" - Memory price cut competition accelerates (1/2) - ITmedia + D PC USER

"It's been a year since then ..." I compare the translation sites again. : ぐ り ん ん な ん な ~ I translated a foreign comment ~

Mozilla Foundation calls for Firefox - Do not renew contract with Google yet | Gadget bulletin

Hiroshi Onishi's Marketing Essence: Apple Identity Authentication System Failure Obtained at Twitter - Livedoor Blog

"Google chrome + Hatsune Miku" play of the number of video playback - diary of greed sent from north earth

Apple's A5 processor made by Samsung's Texas factory - ITmedia news

Google, remove 27 unauthorized applications from Android Market | Slashdot Japan Security

Requesting an e-mail address when blog comment is excessive personal information request? - ARTIFACT @ Hatena system

"Commuting" and social game talks (behind the topics of Zynga's IPO and PS Vita) - Togetter

We programmers do not use Excel for a bit of code generation! - For book macro development

The real reason why Japanese social games are profitable | Web Lancer

There may not be a test server on Facebook, but the story that the test seems to be done - night and sundial

"With pressure from docomo ..." Monthly 980 yen Reason why we do not promote Cheap ion SIM clearly | Gadget bulletin

When twitter "Love" or "LOVE" is murmured, a site that looks like a fucking world map gets opened - ('A `) <

Fujitsu Arrows, trouble occurs when the body turns into high heat at the same time as sale. Penetrated paper sticking user emotions: SIer blog

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Average rating of Friday Roadshow "Borrower Arrietty" is 16.5%: Moe Ota news bulletin

Kentaro Takekuma "When I am 20 years old, I will serialize on the net without bringing in comic books, if I have talent, I will offer you from the other side": 【2ch】 Copipe Information Office

[Manga artist] Hikawa Hikiru, dissatisfied with the shit of the new editorial department "That's going to get out of shape!"

"PlayStation Vita" First Impression - AV Watch

High image quality of organic EL. Good sound quality. "Exfoliate" New Experience Operation

PS Vita "peripheral items" more compact than PSP - Instructions also abolished - CNET Japan

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
★ THE MANZAI 2011 seen through the screen ___ ___ ___ 0

Scene summary in which Messi is outraged by questions of Sanma (with video / image) - footballnet 【2 Channels Summary of Football News】

Kimutaku Theater "Antarctica" Last episode of great reflection (∪ ^ ω ^) Wanwhao!

Taiwan's "natural beautiful girl" is a big reputation!

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Nissan: SKYLINE 55th Limited
55th anniversary model of 555 limited production on Nissan Skyline appeared

Pencil sharp - Kokuyo S & amp; T
Scheduled for release on February 10, 2012

Notice of new launch of "Baritone Concented Hakata Pork Bone Ramen" | News Release | Corporate Information | Toyo Suisan Co., Ltd.
New release from January 2, 2012

· Previous headline
Headline news on December 16, 2011 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt